AAA announces an Open Call for artists and zinesters based in Hong Kong, as part of our ongoing research on zines and growing zine collection.
The “小” in “小誌”—“zines” or “little magazines”—gestures toward attempts that are small, yet concrete. Recognising the vital importance of zine-making as a medium for artists and alternative art practices, AAA has been growing its collection of zines since 2019. Our zine collection currently comprises more than 600 titles, providing material for research and education.
To further this compelling field of inquiry connecting archives, printed matter, libraries, and art making, AAA is announcing a zine residency to be held 17 February to 30 April 2023, which will support two artists and zine-makers in the creation of a new zine that responds to AAA’s digital and physical collections. Selected artists and zine-makers will be invited to research AAA Collections onsite at our library, and online through our website. This residency will support and develop zine-making activities more broadly while encouraging artists to engage with and activate AAA Collections.
What We Provide
AAA will support artists and zine-makers with a production budget of up to HK$5,000 each, and a HK$3,000 honorarium. Selected artists and zine-makers will have access to AAA’s Collections and our reading room facilities, Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 6pm, throughout the duration of the residency. Our library and office are equipped with large reading tables, computers, Wi-Fi, and a photocopier/scanner. AAA staff will be onsite to provide guidance.
Our Expectations
Selected artists and zine-makers will be asked to conduct onsite research on our Collections through a minimum of three visits during the residency. Final zines must be completed by 29 April 2023. At least one copy of the zine will be donated to AAA Collections.
Selection Criteria
This Open Call is open to individuals as well as collectives. Successful proposals will seek to examine AAA Collections in novel ways and create new methods for thinking about libraries and archives.
Application Guidelines
1. Download and complete this form.
2. Create a three-to-five page Word document or PDF with images and captions of some of your relevant work.
3. Propose a budget and production outline.
Please email the documents specified above to by 9 February 2023. Please use the subject line “Open Call – AAA Zine Residency - [Your Name].” We will respond to applicants by 17 February 2023.