Exhibitions help us understand the context in which artists and their works are presented to the public, but their place in art and visual culture history is often overlooked. Even some of the most important art and visual culture exhibitions in and about Asia have limited representation on Wikipedia, or none at all. This upcoming Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, co-presented by Asia Art Archive and M+, West Kowloon Cultural District, aims to address this discrepancy.

Part of an ongoing institutional collaboration and produced with the assistance of the Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong, the event brings together participants to discuss, create, improve, and share Wikipedia articles about exhibitions in and about Asia.

Aligned with Wikipedia Asian Month 2020, which addresses the underrepresentation of articles about Asia on Wikipedia, this event is part of an ongoing effort to contribute to discussions about the representation of art and visual culture in Asia on open-source knowledge platforms. 

There are three main ways you can contribute to the Edit-a-thon: create new articles, improve or translate existing articles. Click here to learn more about articles that were newly added, edited, or translated by our participants in previous edit-a-thons between 2018–20, focused on women in art and exhibition histories in and about Asia.

One can participate either online through our Zoom Meeting or physically at Asia Art Archive's A Space. Participants joining physically will have access to a wide range of materials—books, magazines, and archival material—available at AAA Library, which will assist content creation when online resources are scarce.   

In consideration of the COVID-19 situation, the physical workshop is closed-door with registration only. We will be taking a number of precautionary measures at AAA's A Space. A distance of 1.5 meters between desks will be maintained. No more than four people will be seated at one desk. All desks and seats will be sanitised before the workshop. Soap and disinfectants will be provided. Upon entering A Space, you will be asked to take a non-contact temperature check. Please wash your hands before taking a seat. Wearing a face mask is required throughout the event. Please wrap them up before disposing—do not leave used face masks on the tables or seats. No food or drinks will be allowed in A Space.

Free with registration. 

Before the Edit-a-thon

  1. Create a Wikipedia account.
  2. Enroll as an editor on the event dashboard. (Passcode: exhibitionhistories)
  3. Prepare ideas for creating or improving articles on Wikipedia. We will be providing research materials in the form of books, articles, etc., on the day; but please feel free to research beforehand.
  4. For online tutorials, click here for “Editing Wikipedia: A guide to improving content on the online encyclopedia”; and here for “Illustrating Wikipedia: A guide to contributing content to Wikimedia Commons.”

On the Day of the Edit-a-thon

There will be a thirty-minute tutorial at the beginning of the session, led by the AAA and M+ teams. The Hong Kong Wikimedia User Group will be there to assist us with technical questions. Please remember to bring your laptop, power cord, and, if you want to prepare beforehand, sources for your chosen article(s).

In particular, if you’re a new joiner to our edit-a-thon events, please arrive on time to attend the tutorial session.


editathon@aaa.org.hk; digital@mplus.org.hk

Special thanks to Wikimedia Community User Group Hong Kong, Wikipedia Asian Month, and Wikimedia Taiwan for their support and advice.


New articles:

Edited articles:

Translated articles:

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