This book was published for the DEOA Art Criticism Award held by Dimension Endowment of Art in 1995.

A total of 10 essays won the award are compiled with biography of each winner. Target essays and articles must have published on the domestic magazines or papers, in the period from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 1994. There were three steps for the examination process: a group consists of writers and curators checked those media on a daily basis and nominated several texts each. Secondly, they called for open nominations through media. In the last step, the judging committee, consists of scholars, curators and writers, made the final decision from the nominated essays in the first two steps.

This book also includes short essays by each judge with their biographies, the record of lectures and a round-table discussion organised in conjunction with the award. The examination process is also made as clear as possible in order to obtain more fairness and transparency.

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Chinese - Traditional

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Chapter headings

抗議和「不抗議」的藝術家 - LEE Stella, 李渝

拜物.儀式以及另一種可能: 看 '92藝術博覽會 - Victoria LU, 陸蓉之

美術本土化與國際化的務實演習:試探七〇年代美術定位課題 - MEI Dean-E, 梅丁衍

寫實繪畫的解讀陷阱:從葉子奇的浴室系列談起 - Alan H.L. CHEUNG, 張心龍

藝術在政治左右:後解嚴的台灣藝術現象 - WANG Chiachi Jason, 王嘉驥

作為一種兼具反映及批判的藝術:談談楊茂林的作品 - HUANG Hai-Ming, 黃海鳴

中國水墨.台灣趣味:台灣水墨發展的批判 - NI Tsai-Chin, 倪再沁

自眼界到境界:看陳其寬的藝術 - HAN Paoteh, 漢寶德

從補破網到三叉路:台灣文化論述與美術史觀的省思 - KAO Chienhui, 高千惠

後現代文字障:前九〇年代台灣美術文字生態掃描 - YEH Yuhjihng, 葉玉靜

入世然後出世:評析廖修平藝術歷程 - WANG Hsiuhsiung Frank, 王秀雄

現階段台灣美術史研究的方法論觀察 - LEE Charngjiunn, 李長俊

從「阿威儂的姑娘們」說起 - LIN Hsin-Yueh, 林惺嶽

一九九〇年美術總評 - HUANG Tsai-Lang, 黃才郎

印象派.畫廊.感通 - Nanfang Shuo, 南方朔

臨界點上的思索 - YANG Chao, 楊照

「一場瘟疫,一種宿命」:評候俊明作品展 - J.J. SHIH, 石瑞仁

期待藝評時代的來臨:談台灣藝術論述的現代化 - HSIEH Tung-Shan, 謝東山

台灣新美術運動中的「本土認知」 - HSIAO Chongray, 蕭瓊瑞

DEOA Art Criticism Award, 1995
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DEOA Art Criticism Award, 1995, 第一屆藝術評論獎