This image captures curators Ashish Rajadhyaksha and Geeta Kapur during the mounting process of the exhibition 'Bombay/Mumbai 1992-2001'. Artworks by Vivan Sundaram and Atul Dodiya appear in the foreground and background respectively. The exhibition was part of 'Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Metropolis', held at Tate Modern, London, 2001.
Regarding the exhibition, the curators write:
'Bombay/Mumbai 1992-2001 presents the embattled visual culture of India’s leading metropolis. Committed to the cultural dynamic of secularism, we have positioned artworks, photography, video, film and architecture as signs in the city's persistent desire to transform.'
'Century City' explored the relationship between the metropolis and the creation of art. It focused on the various twentieth-century art centres in the world, such as Paris, New York, Vienna, Moscow and London, Bombay/Mumbai, Lagos, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo. Curators included Okwui Enwezor, Olu Obuibe, Emma Dexter, Lutz Becker, Geeta Kapur, Ashish Rajadhyaksha, Donna De Salvo, Serge Fauchereau, Paulo Venancio Filho, Reiko Tomii, Richard Calvocoressi and Keith Hartley.
urbanism,  politics,  curatorial practice,  popular culture,  survey exhibition
event photograph/recording
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