The present publication examines the culture and identity of Hong Kong, through the investigation of its colonial and political history.
Shu xie cheng shi: Xiang gang de shen fen yu wen hua
PUN Ngai, 潘毅, 
Chinese - Traditional, 
cultural studies,  diaspora,  postcolonialism,  gender,  Hong Kong,  history,  identity,  urbanism
第一部份 理論與實踐之間 Between Theory and Practice
引言 - PUN Ngai, 潘毅, YEE Laiman, 余麗文
1.1 Cultural Identity and Diaspora - Stuart HALL
1.2 60s/90s: Dissolving the People - Matthew TURNER, 田邁修
1.3 Heunggongyahn: On the Past, Present, Future of Hong Kong Identity (an extract)
1.4 Politicizing Tradition: The Identity of Indigenous Inhabitants in Hong Kong
1.5 後殖民評論與文化政治
1.6 Hong Kong: Culture Kaleidoscope on a World Landscape
第二部份 文化書寫與歷史流程 Narrating Culture and History
引言 - PUN Ngai, 潘毅, YEE Laiman, 余麗文
2.1 Minority Histories, Subaltern Pasts - Dipesh CHAKRABARTY
2.2 Life in the Cities: The Emergence of Hong Kong Man
2.3 East and West in Hong Kong: Vignettes from History and Personal Experience
2.4 香港故事不易讀/非歷史的殖民地成功故事 - LUI Tailok, 呂大樂
2.5 Colonial Governace and the Hong Kong Story
2.6 The 'Public' up against the State: Narrative Cracks and Credibility Crisis in Postcolonial Hong Kong
第三部份 公共空間與社區故事 Public Space and Community
引言 - PUN Ngai, 潘毅, YEE Laiman, 余麗文
3.1 Urban Landscape History: The Sense of Place and the Politics of Space (an extract)
3.2 Housing in Hong Kong
3.3 女人街
3.4 褪色的社區:都市重建計劃下的春秧街
3.5 街頭掠影(節錄) - MA Kwokming, 馬國明
第四部份 性別與女性歷史 Gender and Woman's History
引言 - PUN Ngai, 潘毅, YEE Laiman, 余麗文
4.1 Grandma's Story (an extract)
4.2 Mui Tsai through the Eyes of the Victim: Janet Lim's Story of Bondage and Escape
4.3 又喊又笑:阿婆口述歷史(節錄) - PUN Ngai, 潘毅
4.4 多少夜讀的寒暑(節錄)
4.5 我們的福音書:第1章第1節-掌握一生性與愛(節錄)
第五部份 文化空間與身份建構 Literary Space and Identity Construction
引言 - PUN Ngai, 潘毅, YEE Laiman, 余麗文
5.1 香港故事
5.2 都市文化‧香港文學‧文化評論 - LEUNG Ping-kwan, 也斯
5.3 被時間與歷史放逐的浪遊者:王家衛、頹廢與世紀末 - LOK Fung, 洛楓
5.4 Hong Kong Remembers: A Thick Description on Electronic Memeory
5.5 揉性的身份認同
Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Identity, 書寫城市: 香港的身份與文化

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