'Among art's most significant developments worldwide since the 1960s has been a turn to the archive — the nexus of images, objects, documents and traces through which we recall and revisit individual and shared memories and histories. This anthology of key writings by influential artists and theorists explores ways in which the archive has become central in visual culture's investigations of history, memory, testimony and identity.
'With essays by Giorgio Agamben, The Atlas Group (Walid Raad), Walter Benjamin, Christian Boltanski, Marcel Broodthaers, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Neil Cummings & Marysia Lewandowska, Jacques Derrida, Eugenio Dittborn, Hal Foster, Michel Foucault, Sigmund Freud, Renee Green, Susan Hiller, Thomas Hirshhorn, Ilya Kabakov, Dragan Kujundzic, Jeanne Perrault & Patricia Levin, Charles Merewether, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix, Raqs Media Collective, Paul Ricoeur, Jayce Salloum, Allan Sekula, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Subreal, Margarita Tupitsyn, Andy Warhol, and Akram Zaatari.' (Back cover)
The Archive is one of the Documents of Contemporary Art series, co-published by Whitechapel Gallery and The MIT Press which document major themes and ideas in contemporary art. Other sourcebooks of the same series are also available in the Archive. For more details, please go to this page.
Documents of Contemporary Art
archive,  art criticism,  visual culture,  history,  memory
The Archive

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