Bringing together scholarly essays, artists' statements and art reproductions of the contemporary art scene, this volume is interdisciplinary in approach, mixing both established and emergent art voices. This anthology focuses on key theoretical and aesthetic issues in contemporary art in cultural, historical, and socio-political contexts, including media, architecture, postmodernism, multiculturalism, identity politics, censorship, AIDS, postcolonialism, globalization, technology and spectatorship.
Zoya KOCUR, 
art theory,  art criticism,  critical theory,  cultural studies,  gender,  globalisation,  architecture,  postmodernism,  identity,  censorship,  postcolonialism,  technology,  audience
Introduction - Simon LEUNG, 梁碩恩, Zoya KOCUR
Part I: Contemporary Art Practices and Models
1 The Intellectual Field: A World Apart (1990) - Pierre BOURDIEU
2 When Form Has Become Attitude - And Beyond (1994) - Thierry DE DUVE
3 One Place After Another: Notes on Site Specificity (1997) - Miwon KWON
4 The Curator's Moment (1998) - Michael BRENSON
5 How to Provide an Artistic Service: An Introduction (1994) - Andrea FRASER
6 Conversation Pieces: The Role of Dialogue in Socially-Engaged Art (2004) - Grant H. KESTER
7 "yBa" as Critique: The Socio-Political Inferences of the Mediated Identity of Recent British Art (1997) - James GAYWOOD
8 Video Projection: The Space Between Screens (2004) - Liz KOTZ
Part II: Culture/Identities/Political Fields
9 The War on Culture (1990) - Carole S. VANCE
10 Feminist Fundamentalism: Women Against Images (1993) - Carole S. VANCE
11 AIDS: Cultural Analysis/Cultural Activism (1987) - Douglas CRIMP
12 Architecture of the Evicted (1990) - Rosalyn DEUTSCHE
13 Gender is Burning: Questions of Appropriation and Subversion (1993) - Judith BUTLER
14 Cornered: A Video Installation Project (1992) - Adrian PIPER
15 The Mythology of Difference: Vulgar Identity Politics at the Whitney Biennial (1993) - Charles A. WRIGHT Jr.
16 Haunted TV (1992) - Avital RONELL
Part III: Postcolonial Critiques
17 The Marco Polo Syndrome: Some Problems around Art and Eurocentrism (1992) - Gerardo MOSQUERA
18 In the "Heart of Darkness" (1993) - Olu OGUIBE
19 The Syncretic Turn: Cross-Cultural Practices in the Age of Multiculturalism (1996) - Jean FISHER
20 Authenticity, Reflexivity, and Spectacle: or, the Rise of New Asia is not the End of the World (2004) - LEE Weng Choy, 李永財
21 All-Owning Spectatorship (1991) - TRINH T. Minh Ha
Part IV: Rethinking Aesthetics
22 A Note on Gerhard Richter's October 18, 1977 (1989) - Benjamin H.D. BUCHLOH
23 Notes on Surface: Towards a Genealogy of Flatness (2000) - David JOSELIT
24 Ruins, Fragmentation, and the Chinese Modern/Postmodern (1998) - WU Hung, 巫鴻
25 Function and Field: Demarcating Conceptual Practices (2004) - Nana LAST
26 1989 - Juli CARSON
Part V: Theories after Postmodernism
27 Postmodernism and Periphery (1987) - Nelly RICHARD
28 Looking for Trouble (1991) - Kobena MERCER
29 Repossessing Popular Culture (1993) - Laura KIPNIS
30 The Lightness of Theory (1993) - John RAJCHMAN
31 Informe without Conclusion (1996) - Rosalind KRAUSS
32 The Database (2001) - Lev MANOVICH
Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985

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Life Lessons #10: Simon Leung and Valérie Portefaix | Post-Studio
Sat, 29 Jan 2022, 10–11:30am HKT
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