Des del País del Centre: avantguardes artístiques xineses, 
From the Country of the Center: Chinese Avant-garde Since 1979
Venue |
Date |
19 Jun – 30 Sep 1995 |
CHEN Tiejun, 陳鐵軍, 
DING Yi, 丁乙, 
FANG Lijun, 方力鈞, 
FENG Mengbo, 馮夢波, 
GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌, 
Inga Svala THORSDOTTIR, 英格‧斯瓦拉‧托斯朵蒂尔, 
LI Shan, 李山, 
LIU Wei, 劉煒, 
MAO Xuhui, 毛旭輝, 
QIU Zhijie, 邱志傑, 
SHI Chong, 石沖, 
SONG Yonghong, 宋永紅, 
SUI Jianguo, 隋建國, 
WANG Gongxin, 王功新, 
WANG Guangyi, 王廣義, 
WANG Keping, 王克平, 
WANG Nanming, 王南溟, 
WANG Peng, 王蓬, 
WEI Dong, 魏東, 
WU Shanzhuan, 吳山專, 
XIN Haizhou, 忻海洲, 
Xin Kedu, 新刻度小組, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
YE Yongqing, 葉永青, 
YU Youhan, 余友涵, 
ZENG Fanzhi, 曾梵志, 
ZHANG Jin, 張進, 
ZHANG Peili, 張培力, 
ZHANG Xiaogang, 張曉剛, 
Related collection

Letter from Josep Miquel Garcia to Mao Xuhui (English), 19 September 1994

Receipt on Mao Xuhui's Paintings, 17 October 1994

Letter from Josep Miquel Garcia to Mao Xuhui (Chinese - Simplified), 9 November 1994
約瑟‧邁克‧加迪亞致毛旭輝的信件(中文─ 簡體),1994年11月9日

Chinese Artists Visiting Spanish Artist Antoni Tàpies at His Home During "From the Central Kingdom: Chinese Avant-Garde Artists" Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain

'From the Central Kingdom: Chinese Avant-Garde Artists' in Barcelona) (Set of 6 Photographs
'Des del Pais del Centre:avantguardes artistiques xineses' in Barcelona (Set of 6 Photographs)