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1 Document

W. O. P. Mar11 Martha Atienza | When Routine Is All There Is + Video Conversation with Gerry Tan

10 Mar 2009
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1 Document

W. O. P. Mar 4 | Martha Atienza When Routine ... + John Torres + Mailes Kanapi

16 Mar 2009
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1 Document

Man In Suit April 1 | Martha Atienza

30 Mar 2009
When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer
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1 Image

When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer

Mar 2009
When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer
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1 Image

When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer

Mar 2009
When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer
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1 Image

When Routine Is All There Is — Flyer

Mar 2009
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1 Document

W. O. P. April 22 | Martha Atienza Man in Suit Artist Talk

21 Apr 2009
Man in Suit Exhibition Views (Set of 41 Photographs)
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41 Images

Man in Suit Exhibition Views (Set of 41 Photographs)

Apr 2009
Man in Suit — Flyer
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Man in Suit — Flyer

Man in Suit — Video Stills (Set of 15 Photographs)
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14 Images

Man in Suit — Video Stills (Set of 14 Photographs)