'The collection aims to introduce students to the richness of gender studies that have emerged in Hong Kong in the past few decades, both as a system of knowledge and a form of practice. In particular it will show how gender studies have helped us re-examine the nature and meanings of colonial politics; reveal the pervasiveness of gender inequalities in social institutions and processes; illuminate the multiple forms of power and inequalities; and transgress rigid and man-made boundaries.' - excerpt from front flap
Xiang gang xing bie lun shu: cong shu, bu gong, cha yi, yue jie
Chinese - Traditional, 
Part 1. Patriarchy, Colonial Politics and Women's Subordination 父權制度、殖民政治、婦女從屬
1.1 Chinese Patriarchy and the Protection of Women in Nineteenth-Century Hong Kong (an extract)
1.2 The New Territories Inheritance Law: Colonialization and the Elites
1.3 Women and Elections: Governor Patten's Political Reforms, Local Political Competition, and Local Women's Activism (an extract)
1.4 The Concept of State Feminism and the Case for Hong Kong
1.5 It Made Their Blood Boil: The British Feminist Campaign against Licensed Prostitution in Hong Kong, 1931 (an extract)
Part 2. Social Institutions and Social Processes 性別不平等:社會制度與過程
2.1 Conclusion of Working Daughters of Hong Kong
2.2 Familial Hegemony: Gender and Production Politics on Hong Kong's Electronics Shopfloor
2.3 Male Authority in Cross-Border Families
2.4 Bringing Women Back in: Family Change in Hong Kong
2.5 教育:回歸社會脈絡的探討
2.6 'I Got to Where I Am by My Own Strength': Women in Hong Kong Higher Education Management (an extract)
2.7 Searching for the Gendered Subjectivities of Life Insurance Agents
2.8 傳媒與形象-電影
2.9 性騷擾在香港:一個公共問題的建構(節錄)
Part 3. Differences, Contradiction and Complexity of Power 差異、矛盾與參錯的權力
Introduction - CHAN Anita Kitwa, 陳潔華
3.1 Spinster Sisterhoods - Jing Yih Sifu: Spinster-Domestic-Nun (an extract)
3.2 從長篇電視劇《真情》出發的日常生活網路探究-三個本地主婦的「文化資本」應用
3.3 The Making of Gender in Families
3.4 Fashioning (Western) Sexuality for Sale: The Case of Sex and Fashion Articles in Cosmopolitan Hong King
3.5 香港街頭性工作-性別與社會組織
3.6 性/別政治在香港-一個尊重差異的批判角度
3.7 Sexuality and Discipline among Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong (an extract)
3.8 文字媒介如何建構同志論述-《東周刊》、《壹週刊》、《號外》與《突破》(節錄)
3.9 The Seduction of the Golden Boy: The Body Politics of Hong Kong Gay Men
3.10 安能辨我是雄雌-論任劍輝與張國榮的性別易裝
Part 4. Feminist Politics: Interventions and Transgression 政治重塑:女性自主與越界
Introduction - CHAN Anita Kitwa, 陳潔華
4.1 Public Discourses and Collective Identities: Emergence of Women as a Collective Actor in the Women's Movement in Hong Kong (an extract)
4.2 創造女性情慾空間(續篇)-對香港婦運的一些反思
4.3 Beyond Being Gay: The Proliferation of Political Identities in Colonial Hong Kong
4.4 The Things Girls Shouldn't See: Relocating the Penis in Sex Education in Hong Kong
4.5 The Politics, Ethics, and Aesthetics of Radical Interventions
4.6 又喊又笑:阿婆口述歷史
4.7 我們的福音書:第1章第1節-掌握一生性與愛(節錄)
Gendering Hong Kong, 香港性別論述: 從屬,不公,差異,越界

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