As a consequence, most of the chapters discuss how borders need to be negotiated as part of the research process. This includes questions bearing on art and science, art and politics, art and history as well as art and philosophy. Many of the authors see themselves as artists, but one of the chief claims of this book is that a position is possible beyond the "theory" and "practice" labels. The chapters address this position and the difficulties negotiating it in the context of existing discourses and intellectual frameworks.' - from back cover
Includes biographies of contributors.
Spying on Sparrows - Jan SVENUNGSSON
Being Concerned? Scattered Thoughts on 'Artistic Research' and 'Social Responsibility' - Tom HOLERT
Context-Responsive Investigations - Henk SLAGER
Aesthetic of Resistance? - Hito STEYERL
Ahamkara: Particules Élémentaires of First-Person Consciousness - Sarat MAHARAJ, Francisco VARELA
Experimental Systems: Difference, Graphematicity, Conjuncture - Hans-Jörg RHEINBERGER
Precarious Evidence: Notes on Art and Biology in the Age of Digital Experimentation - Hannes RICKLI
Boundary Work: Interview of Henk Borgdorff by Michael Schwab
Through the Looking Glass: Art and Science at the Time of the Avant-Garde: The Example of Wassily Kandinsky's Working Method in his Synthetic Art - Sabine FLACH
Allegory, Architecture and 'Figural Theory' - Penelope HARALAMBIDOU
Psycho - Active - Acoustic Experiences - Florian HECKER, Sónia MATOS
The Language of the Birds - Raqs Media Collective
Logic of Blindness - Marcus STEINWEG
The Sublime and Beauty Beyond Uncanny Anxiety - Bracha L. ETTINGER
Fine Art and Research - Jonathan MILES
Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Michael SCHWAB
Parrot Language: An Original Improvement - Paul CARTER
On the Research Paradigm in Contemporary Art Discourse: A Dialogue - Gina BADGER, Alise UPITIS
Paradoxes Experienced by Artist-Thinkers - Rene GREEN
Intellectual Birdhouse: Artistic Practice as Research

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