This print publication is part of a series of artworks produced and displayed at the Jakarta Biennale 2021.
Futuwonder is a cross-disciplinary collection focusing on art development, visual art discourse, and supporting artistic activities for women artists in Bali. This publication includes essays on the representation of women artists in Balinese art history, focusing on the works of three Balinese female artists born in the 1960s, I Gusti Ayu Natih Armini, I Gusti Agung Galuh, and Mangku Muriati.
Includes biographies of artists and contributors.
Self-Narration of Women Artists and Revealing Alternative Versions of Balinese Art History - LEI Tai
Balinese Women and Collectivity as an Offer of Intervention in the Now and the Future - Putu Juli SASTRAWAN
Exploring the Personal, Instigating the Structural - Oktaria ASMARANI
Archives, Access, and Sustainability: A Series of Questions for Futuwonder's Collective Work - Sidhi VHISATYA
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