The present publication contains transcript documentation of the seminars of 'Bilateral Cultural Exchange Project on Woman Art' held in Hong Kong and Leeds. The project includes an exhibition featuring eight Hong Kong artists, and a two-day seminar about woman art, in which two scholars from the University of Leeds, UK, Dr Griselda Pollock and Dr. Alison Rowley, were invited to Hong Kong to exchange ideas on the subject after Dr Eva Man represented Hong Kong to take part in similar academic activities in Leeds. Please note that the transcripts of seminars by Eva Man, Griselda Pollock and Alison Rowley are in English with short summaries in Chinese; whereas Ivy Ma's article is in Chinese with a short summary in English.
Bilateral Cultural Exchange Project on Woman Art | 女性藝術雙邊文化交流計劃 | 'If Hong Kong, A Woman / Traveller' and 'Schema: a Traveller's approach' | '如果香港,一個「女/旅」人' 及 '圖式:「女/旅」人的國度'
Chinese - Traditional, 
feminism,  cultural studies,  art history,  gender,  postcolonialism,  exchange programme,  conference,  Vietnam,  South Korea,  India,  Hong Kong,  Japan
conference proceedings, 
Some Reflections on 'Feminist Aesthetics':
Private/Public? Personal/ Political? Gender/ Postcolonial?
- The Case of Young Women Artists in Postcolonial Hong Kong - MAN Kit Wah Eva, 文潔華
Historical Perspectives on the International Feminist Art: Theory, History and Practice - Griselda POLLOCK
Post-feminism Revisited: Documenta 11 (2002) and its Feminist Foundations - Alison ROWLEY
Feminist Perspectives on Trauma and Cultural Memory: Mary Kelly and Bracha Ettinger - Griselda POLLOCK
Sarah Lucas: Uncanny Returns - Alison ROWLEY
Post-reflections - MA King Chu Ivy, 馬琼珠
The Only Journey Is the One Within, 女旅

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