Catalogue of large scale exhibition of South East Asian Paintings (mostly on loan from private collections of individuals and institutions), organized by the Singapore Art Museum in Association with Christie's Singapore. Visions and Enchantment is an attempt to chart a long historical time frame of South East Asian paintings. At the same time, it also offers and suggests ways in which aspects of independently established national narratives may or can be collectivised under common conceptual frameworks. Through themes such as transfer/assimilations/adaptation of art models, expressions of identity through landscape and communities, and abstraction and internationalism/universalism, we may test ways of conflating and comparing histories. Although such proposed frameworks would be by a large measure exploratory, or even speculative at this point in time, they nevertheless represent significant contributions to the knowledge on Southeast Asian art.
John CLARK, 姜苦樂, 
Laura FAN, 
Patrick D. FLORES, 
Apinan POSHYANANDA, อภินันท์ โปษยานนท์, 
still life,  realism,  colonialism,  tradition,  painting,  portraiture,  landscape,  abstraction,  South East Asia,  survey exhibition,  group exhibition
Introduction - Ahmad MASHADI
The Transfer: Art in Colonial Southeast Asia - John CLARK, 姜苦樂
Nangyang Spirit: Chinese Migration and the Development of Southeast Asian Art - XIA Shuoqi, 夏碩琦
Controversy and Change: 19th and Early 20th Century Landscape Paintings in Indonesia and Malaysia - Laura FAN
Japanese Influences on Rise of Modern Art in Southeast Asia - Masahiro USHIROSHOJI, 後小路雅弘
Reworlding Modernity: Abstract Art in Southeast Asia in the 1950s and 1960s - Patrick D. FLORES
Social Concerns in Southeast Asian Art - Alice G. GUILLERMO
The Problems of Tradition in Southeast Asian Modern Art - Apinan POSHYANANDA, อภินันท์ โปษยานนท์
Visions and Enchantment: Southeast Asian Paintings
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