This is the first issue of a series of 'documents' published by a group of Chinese artists. The contents include interviews; artist statements/views of contemporary art; translations of excerpts of writings by Western artists/academics/critics; and finally, news about art exhibitions/events happening in China at the time of the publication.
hei pi shu
Ah Xian, 阿仙, 
AI Weiwei, 艾未未, 
Big Tail Elephant, 大尾象工作組, 
CHEN Shaoxiong, 陳劭雄, 
GENG Jianyi, 耿建翌, 
GU Xiong, 顧雄, 
HSIEH Tehching, 謝德慶, 
HU Bing, 胡冰, 
HUANG Yan, 黃岩, 
HUANG Yong Ping, 黃永砅, 
LI Juchuan, 李巨川, 
LIANG Shaoji, 梁紹基, 
LIN Yilin, 林一林, 
LIU Xiangdong, 劉向東, 
MA Liuming, 馬六明, 
NI Weihua, 倪衛華, 
SONG Dong, 宋冬, 
WANG Gongxin, 王功新, 
WANG Jianwei, 汪建偉, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
XU Tan, 徐坦, 
YE Shuanggui, 葉雙貴, 
ZENG Xiaojun, 曾小俊, 
ZHANG Huan, 張洹, 
ZHANG Jianjun, 張健君, 
ZHANG Peili, 張培力, 
ZHAO Suikang, 趙穗康, 
Chinese - Traditional
self-published book
Interviews/ 訪談
An Interview with Hsieh Tehching/ 與謝德慶對談
Sam Hsieh: One Year Performances/ 謝德慶為期一年的行為藝術
Doing Time (1978-1979)/ 服刑 (1978-1979) - Claire FERGUSSON
Punching (1980-1981)/ 打卡 (1980-1981) - Jonathan SISKIN
Still Doing Time (1981-1982)/ 仍在服刑 (1981-1982) - Jonathan SISKIN
Studio/ 工作室
Ma Liu-Ming/ 馬六明
Wang Gong-Xin/ 王功新
Ye Shuang-Gui/ 葉雙貴
Ai Weiwei/ 艾未未
Liu Xiang-Dong/ 劉向東
Zhu Fa-Dong/ 朱發東
Song Dong/ 宋冬
Li Ju-Chuan/ 李巨川
Wang Jian-Wei/ 汪建偉
A Xian/ 阿仙
Zhang Huan/ 張洹
Zhang Pei-Li/ 張培力
Zhang Jian-Jun/ 張健君
Hu Bing/ 胡冰
Zhao Sui-Kang/ 趙穗康
Xu Bing/ 徐冰
Gu Xiong/ 顧雄
Ni Wei-Hua/ 倪衛華
Geng Jian-Yi/ 耿建翌
Huang Yan/ 黃岩
Huang Yong-Ping/ 黃永砅
Liang Shao-Ji/ 梁紹基
Zeng Xiao-Jun/ 曾小俊
Daweixiang Group/ 大尾象工作組
Lin Yi-Lin/ 林一林
Chen Shao-Xiong/ 陳劭雄
Xu Tan/ 徐坦
Liang Ju-Hui/ 梁矩輝
Resumes of Artists/ 藝術家簡歷
Modern Art Documents/ 現代藝術文獻
'The Richard Mutt Case'/ '瑞查德.姆特事件'真相 - Marcel DUCHAMP
The Creative Act/ 創作行為 - Marcel DUCHAMP
Apropos of 'Readymades'/ 關于'現成品' - Marcel DUCHAMP
Interview with Gene Swenson/ 答吉恩.斯萬森問 - Andy WARHOL
Jeff Koons Philosophy/ 杰夫.庫恩斯的哲學 - Jeff KOONS
Art News/ 藝訊
Christo is Allowed to Wrap the Building of the Empire/ 克利斯托包裹德國'帝國大廈'議案終獲通過
The Third Documentary Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art/ 中國當代藝術研究文獻(資料)展第三回展
China. Village of Citizen Art Experiment/ 中國.平民藝術實驗村落
Stalin's Choice: Soviet Socialist Realism 1932-1956/ 斯大林的選擇:1932-1956 蘇聯社會主義寫實主義作品展
'Country Plan. 1993'/ '鄉村計劃.1993'
Recent Works of Lu Sheng-Zhong/ 呂勝中的新作
Cocido y Crudo: Materials in Cultural Transformation/ 生食與熟食-文化變異中的材料
The Second Activity of the 'NeoHistory' Art Group/ '新歷史'藝術群體的第二次活動
'Sculpture. 1994': Serial Solo Exhibitions/ '雕塑一九九四'系列個人作品展
East Village. Beijing: A Place Where Art 'Vagrants' Gather/ 北京東村-'流浪'藝術家的聚居地
Avant-garde Exhibition of Li Yan/ 李岩前衛藝術展
Six Chinese Artists Invited to Participate in the 22nd International Biennial of Sao Paulo/ 第22屆聖.保羅雙年展邀請6位中國藝術家參展
Large Glass - Heaven in Fantasy by SHS Group/ SHS小組的«大玻璃-夢想天堂»
Black Cover Book, 黑皮書

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