This is the Chinese edition of the catalogue of the touring exhibition China Avant-garde held from 1993 to 1994 in Berlin, Rotterdam, Oxford and Odense. It provides a retrospective of Chinese art and culture in the eighties and early nineties. From the work shown in this exhibition, two broad tendencies which may both be identified as avant-garde in that they challenged the established cultural order are shown: The first is that of innovation - the search for new form and languages; The second takes an ironical view of the ideologies and myths of the dominant culture by subverting its images. Apart from visual art, other areas of art including film, literature, theatre and music are also discussed.
In addition to the participating artists in the exhibition, a list of modern Chinese artists of the eighties and nineties with biographies is included.
Please note that the English version of the catalogue is also available in the library with the same location code.
Zhong guo qian wei yi shu, 
China Avant-Garde: Counter-Currents in Art and Culture
AI Weiwei, 艾未未, 
CAI Guoqiang, 蔡國強, 
CHEN Danqing, 陳丹青, 
CHEN Haiyan, 陳海燕, 
CHEN Shaoxiong, 陳劭雄, 
CHEN Zhen, 陳箴, 
GU Wenda, 谷文達, 
HU Bing, 胡冰, 
LI Tianyuan, 李天元, 
LIANG Hao, 梁好, 
LIANG Juhui, 梁鉅輝, 
LIU Shaojuan, 劉紹雋, 
LIU Wei, 劉煒, 
LIU Xiaodong, 劉小東, 
MA Desheng, 馬德升, 
MA Kelu, 馬可魯, 
QIN Yufen, 秦玉芬, 
QIU Ping, 邱萍, 
REN Rong, 任戎, 
SONG Gang, 宋綱, 
SONG Haidong, 宋海冬, 
TAN Ping (b. 1960), 譚平, 
TANG Song, 唐宋, 
WANG Deren, 王德仁, 
WANG Gongyi, 王公懿, 
WANG Keping, 王克平, 
WANG Luyan, 王魯炎, 
XIAO Lu, 蕭魯, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
XU Tan, 徐坦, 
XU Zhongmin, 許仲敏, 
YAN Li, 嚴力, 
YANG Jiechang, 楊詰蒼, 
YANG Jun, 楊君, 
YANG Yushu, 楊雨澍, 
YUAN Shun, 袁順, 
ZHANG Jianjun, 張健君, 
ZHANG Wei (b. 1952), 張偉, 
ZHAO Gang, 趙剛, 
ZHAO Suikang, 趙穗康, 
ZHAO Wenliang, 趙文量, 
ZHENG Chongbin, 鄭重賓, 
ZHOU Yunxia, 周雲俠, 
Chinese - Traditional
touring exhibition,  survey exhibition,  group exhibition,  modernism,  China
序言 - LI Tuo, 李陀
1979-1992:風雲變幻的北京 - Jochen NOTH, 岳恒
1985 - LI Tuo, 李陀
文革後的中國美術 - Hans van Dijk, 戴漢志
當代大陸新潮美術 - GAO Minglu, 高名潞
寫實 — 從技法到精神 - DAI Shihe, 戴士和
思潮迭起的中國現代藝術 - LI Xianting, 栗憲庭
中國現代藝術的開拓者 - LANG Shaojun, 郎紹君
藝術史觀及方論的突破與中國當代藝術 - PI Daojian, 皮道堅
從「朦朧詩」到「新小說」 - ZHANG Xudong, 張旭東
中國現代藝術與浙江美術學院 - ZHENG Shengtian, 鄭勝天
中國現代藝術之「道」 - LIU Weijian, 柳維堅
在夾縫中求生存 -經改中的中國電影 - Chang Hsienchen, 張纖箴
如何認識真實?-對中國當代文學的若干看法 - Michael KAHN-ACKERMANN
中國的「朦朧詩」 - Sabine PESCHEL
關於中國現代詩 - YAN Li, 嚴力
中國的話劇 - Antje BUDDE
北京的實驗戲劇 - MENG Jinghui, 孟京輝
八十年代的中國音樂 - Barbara MITTLER, 梅嘉樂
崔建與中國搖滾的誕生 - LIANG Heping, 梁和平, Ulrike STOBBE
當代中國攝影 - Andre KUNZ, 孔安得
China Avantgarde, 中國前衛藝術

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