Catalogue published to accompany the exhibition 'connect: Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology: Contemporary Art and Urban Change in Cambodia' at the ifa galleries in Berlin and Stuttgart in 2013. This is the fifth exhibition in the series connect.
'In "Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology" the ifa gallery presents for the first time in Europe artists from Cambodia who engage in capturing and archiving the transforming city in their collages, photographs, sculptures, installations and performances.
Until today, the architectonic image of Phnom Penh is characterised by the designs of Cambodian architect Vann Molyvann, a student of Le Corbusier in Paris. In the wake of the rapid urbanisation and modern development, his buildings are threatened with demolition. At the same time, many of the city’s inhabitants are evicted as lakes are being infilled in order to create new building sites. The chequered history of the country, the transformations in the cityscape of Phnom Penh as well as the implied social changes are omnipresent and impact the artists and their production.' - from publisher's website
Includes interviews with the artists by various art professionals and curators. With biographies of artists and authors.
connect: Phnom Penh: Das Verschwinden verhindern Zeitgenössische Kunst und Stadtentwicklung in Kambodscha
group exhibition,  urbanism,  Cambodia
Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology: Contemporary Art and Urban Change in Cambodia | Phnom Penh: Das Verschwinden verhindern Zeitgenössische Kunst und Stadtentwicklung in Kambodscha - Erin GLEESON
Artists: Works and Conversations | Künstler/innen: Arbeiten und Gespräche
Chan Dany: Interview by Roger Nelson
Khvay Samnang: Interview by Nora Taylor
Leang Seckon: Interview by Boreth Ly
Lim Sokchanlina: Interview by Leeza Ahmady
Sopheap Pich: Interview by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Amy Lee Sanford: Interview by Khairuddin Hori
Svay Sareth: Interview by June Yap
Than Sok: Interview by Zoe Butt
Tith Kanitha: Interview by Pamela N. Corey
Vandy Rattana: Interview by Gridthiya Gaweewong
Situation: Contemporary Art in Cambodia | Situaion: Zeitgenössische Kunst in Kambodscha
Urban Imaginaries in Cambodian Contemporary Art | Urbane Vorstellungswelten in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Kambodschas - Pamela N. COREY
Performance Bodies: A History of Live Art Practices in Cambodia | Darstellende Körper: Eine Geschichte der Performancekunst in Kambodscha - Nora A. TAYLOR
Stiev Selapak: Retelling Cambodia's Story | Stiev Selapak: Die Geschichte Kambodschas neu erzählen - Francesca SONARA
Space for Creative Dialogue: Art by and for everyday Cambodians | Raum für kreativen Dialog: Kunst für alle - Vuth LYNO
Site: Urban Change in Phnom Penh | Ort: Stadtentwicklung in Pehnom Penh
A Conversation with Vann Molyvann–Reyum Institute of Art and Culture | Ein Gespräch mit Vann Molyvann
City of Water: Architecture, Infrastructure and the Floods of Phnom Penh | Stadt des Wassers: Architektur, Infrastruktur und die Fluten von Phnom Penh - Shelby E. DOYLE
connect: Phnom Penh: Rescue Archaeology: Contemporary Art and Urban Change in Cambodia

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