'Over ten years have gone by since the Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook was launched in 2000. Bilingual in Chinese and English, it is the most comprehensive annalistic toolbook for Hong Kong Visual Arts, with the aid of photos.
'The Yearbook is composed of two sections, "Essays" and "Chronicles;" the former is made up of essays by academic experts who draw comprehensive commentaries while focusing on selective local visual arts events; while the latter gathers and catalogues all types of visual arts events of the year. One is subjective observation and analysis on a broad scope, while the other is microscopic listing of objective data; both are interdependent on as well as complementary to each other.' (Front Flap)
The 'Chronicles' section covers the visual arts activities happened in or related to Hong Kong in multiple facets, including public issues, publications, exhibitions, talks and symposiums, awards, auctions and education. This book features the part of public issues only. For the online version of all the above topics, please visit: www.hkvisualartsyearbook.org.
'分為「專題論述」和「視藝記事」兩大部分,編集全年本地藝術家於本地及海外的視藝活動,並結合學者專家的分析論文:一為宏觀主觀的觀察陳述;一為微觀客觀的數據縷述,兩者互相依存,互為補充。' (摘錄自書皮瓣)
Hong Kong Arts Development Council - Year Series | 香港藝術發展局 - 年鑑系列 | xiang gang shi jue yi shu nian jian 2011
Chinese - Traditional, 
activist art,  ink painting,  calligraphy,  Hong Kong
Explanatory Notes/ 凡例
Essays/ 專題論述
Artists Taking to the Streets! 423 Art Citizens March and its Revelations/ 藝術家上街去! -藝術公民「423藝術公民大聲行」的啟示 - wen yau, 魂游
Between Worldly and Otherworldly: Li Yanshan's A Land Untarnished/ 出世與入世之間: 李研山青山無恙圖 - TONG Yu, 童宇
A Piaget Group for Hong Kong: A Relational Model to Define Present Art Practices in Hong Kong/ 香港的「皮亞傑群」: 一個為當今香港藝術創作定義的關係模型 - Frank VIGNERON, 韋一空
A Brief Account of Tong Chek-sing and His Seal-carving Art/ 略述唐積聖先生的雕刻藝術 - TANG Waihung, 鄧偉雄
The Spirit of 'Taking Recreation in Art': The Pursuit of Art by Tsang Wing-kwong/「游于藝」的境界-曾榮光的藝術追求 - LAW Sukman Sophia, 羅淑敏
The Rise and Fall of Hong Kong Artists' Villages: A Virtual Interview in a Parallel Universe/ 香港「藝術村」的聚散起滅: 平行宇宙的虛擬訪談錄 - LAM Kaman Carmi, 林嘉敏
Chronicles: Public Issues/ 視藝記事: 公眾議題
West Kowloon Cultural District/ 西九龍文化區
'Revitalisation of Industrial Buildings'/ 「活化工廈」
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre/ 賽馬會創意藝術中心
Ai Weiwei 'Be Disappeared': Responses from the Local Artists/ 艾未未「被失踪」事件: 本地藝圈的回響
Epilogue/ 編後記 - LAM Kaman Carmi, 林嘉敏
Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2011, 香港視覺藝術年鑑 2011

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