'Artist Tsang Tak-ping has been sketching on different sized sketch books since his student years in the mid-1980s. Three years ago, inspired by Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century by Jonathan Crary, Tsang started a series in A5-sized sketch books. All of it was done on public transport - ferry, bus, mini-bus and train - as well as in public spaces such as cha chaan teng (Chinese teahouses). The speech bubbles in the sketches are text fragments from his daily life, reading notes, and Facebook wall posts. Together, he creates a visual effect that pronounces the kind of acoustic environment we live in, a heterogeneity of noise-making in this postmodern age..' - from publisher's website
本書的概念源於Jonathan Crary的 《觀察者的技術: 論十九世紀的視覺與現代性》,以 live - sketching 的方法,收錄了作者經過或逗留於不同公共空間時,所畫的百多張即興寫生。
作者曾德平更將自己的生活聽聞、閱讀心得、朋友留言,片言隻語地嵌入畫面之中,把細碎敏銳的線條連結起來,編造眾聲喧囂的後現代響章。」- 節錄自出版社網頁
Chinese - Traditional
artist monograph, 
artist writing
Kith's Log Book, 內嘈外吵 · 寂靜決定

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Residency | Kith Tsang Tak Ping
Apr–Jul 2024
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