In Prompts & Annotations, eight participants provide a prompt to Lee Weng Choy, who responds with numbered annotations. Lee’s texts layer and build-up, allowing connections to form freely and coincidentally, such as between materials in the archive. By adding to that which exists, Lee reminds us that the conversation around a piece of writing, an artwork, or an archival record, can always be restarted. This work builds on his long-term interest in writing about friendship as a marker of time, scale, and perspective— “how one fits into one’s world,” be it a community, a city, a recent event, a distant past, or a galaxy.  

Prompts & Annotations is part of the exhibition Countering Time held at Asia Art Archive from 27 September 2024 to 1 March 2025. The exhibition features new works by four artists and writers who speculate on the immeasurability of time. Lee Weng Choy, Simon Leung, Gala Porras-Kim, and Merve Ünsal tune in, refract, exhume, and annotate artworks, archival records, and past events, demonstrating how archives are sites of imagination instead of final resting places of historical records. This publication includes the first four of the eight texts in Prompts & Annotations

在《提詞與註釋》中,八位參與者各向李永財提供一個提詞,并由他以被編號的註釋作出回應。李氏的文本採用註釋的形式逐層堆疊,讓各種連結自然而然地形成,猶如檔案之間所產生的聯繫。 透過對現有內容的補充,李氏的作品提醒我們與一篇文章、藝術作品或檔案紀錄的對話隨時都可以重新開展。 這個作品建基於他長期以來以書寫友誼作為標記時間、尺度和視角的興趣,以提問「一個人如何融入自身的世界」。這個世界所指的可以是一個社區、一座城市、一件最近發生的事、一段遙遠的過去,抑或一個星系。 

《提詞與註釋》屬於亞洲藝術文獻庫由2024年9月27日至2025年3月1日期間舉辦的展覽《無時無刻》的一部分。展覽透過四位藝術家和作家的新作,探索時間的不可測量性。李永財、梁碩恩、Gala Porras-Kim 和 Merve Ünsal一同聆聽、折射、挖掘及註釋藝術作品、檔案記錄和過去的事件,展示出文獻檔案如何成為想像的場域,而非歷史記錄的安息之所。本出版包含《提詞與註釋》八篇文章中的首四篇。

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artist book

Prompts and Annotations #1-4
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Prompts and Annotations #1-4, 提詞與註釋 #1-4