This is a post-event publication based on the conference RES ARTIS 05 Berlin, Sharing Cultures and Social Change, that took place from 28 September - 8 October 2005. This present publication, featuring shared experiences, reflections, and suggestions on artist-in-residence programmes, aims to shed more light on both the potential as well as the challenges of artist residency programmes, particularly between Asia and Europe. This book not only highlights the relevance of artist exchange and mobility, but also places emphasis on the role of civil societies and local communities vis-a-vis culture and the arts. With information on Asia-Europe Foundation(ASEF), RES ARTIS and UfaFabrik, the organisers of RES ARTIS 05 Berlin, and RES ARTIS members' list.

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Chapter headings

A Beneficial Paradox - Erik HAGOORT

The New Urban Residency and 18th Street Arts Center - Clayton CAMPBELL

Supporting Collective Work - Rudolf BRUNGER

Locating the Mobile Artist: From Cultural Diversities to Local Specificities, Reflections on Various Artist-in-Residencies' Experiences - Jay KOH, 高瞻, CHU Chuyuan

Diversion as a Working Method - Peter LEMMENS

Recharging Batteries, Melting Ideas: Aurora Reinhard at AIT in Tokyo - Irmeli KOKKO

Managing the Distance - Alia SWASTIKA

Towards Something Else - On the Community Aspect of Re: Wanchai... and Beyond - Howard CHAN, 陳沛浩

Residencies: Spaces+Artists+Managers+Communities
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Residencies: Spaces+Artists+Managers+Communities

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