Selected essays and articles by Chicago-based Taiwanese art critic Kao Chien-hui.
Centred on the art of 'Huaren (the Chinese)', this book encompasses her study of contemporary Taiwanese art since 1992, a series of columns about contemporary overseas Chinese artists originally published in Artist Magazine from 1995-1998, discussions on the inclusion of Chinese artists in major international art exhibitions starting from around 1997, as well as interviews and other writings on the development of contemporary Chinese art over the course of 12 years.
Includes a total of 30 articles divided in 6 sections.
CAI Guoqiang, 蔡國強, 
CHANG Cheng-Jen, 張正仁, 
CHANG Chienchi, 張乾琦, 
CHANG Hwei-Lan, 張惠蘭, 
CHEN Chieh-Jen, 陳界仁, 
CHEN Chien-Pei, 陳建北, 
CHEN Danqing, 陳丹青, 
CHEN Junhau Howard, 陳浚豪, 
CHEN Kezhan Henri, 陳克湛, 
CHEN Long-Sing, 陳隆興, 
CHEN Shu-Ming, 陳世明, 
CHEN Shun-Chu, 陳順築, 
CHEN Tiejun, 陳鐵軍, 
CHEN Wen-Hsiang, 陳文祥, 
CHEN Xinmao, 陳心懋, 
CHEN Zhen, 陳箴, 
CHENG Shanhsi, 鄭善禧, 
CHIANG Paul Shianer, 江賢二, 
CHO Yeou-jui, 卓有瑞, 
CHUANG Che, 莊喆, 
David CLARKE, 祈大衛, 
FANGCHIANG Ming-Tao Marvin, 范姜明道, 
FENG Feng, 馮鋒, 
FENG Mengbo, 馮夢波, 
GU Wenda, 谷文達, 
HO Huaishuo, 何懷碩, 
HO Kan, 霍剛, 
HO Siu Kee, 何兆基, 
HOU Chiliang, 侯吉諒, 
HOU Tsonghui, 侯聰慧, 
HSU Hsunwei Maggie, 徐洵蔚, 
HSUEH Paohsia Ava, 薛保瑕, 
HU Tsaiming, 胡財銘, 
HUANG Mingchang, 黃銘昌, 
HUANG Yong Ping, 黃永砅, 
HUANG Zhi-Yang, 黃致陽, 
HUNG Ken-Shen, 洪根深, 
HUNG Suchen, 洪素珍, 
HWANG Buh-Ching, 黃步青, 
JI Yunfei, 季雲飛, 
J.C. KUO, 郭振昌, 
LAI Jun T., 賴純純, 
LEE Ming-Tse, 李明則, 
LEE Mingwei, 李明維, 
LEE Yihong, 李義弘, 
LIANG Shaoji, 梁紹基, 
LIN Hsin-Yueh, 林惺嶽, 
LIN Ping, 林平, 
LIN Shumin, 林書民, 
Michael LIN, 林明弘, 
LIU Kuo-sung, 劉國松, 
LIU Shengrong, 劉生容, 
LIU Shih-Fen, 劉世芬, 
LIU Zheng, 劉錚, 
LU Fusheng, 盧輔聖, 
LU Hao, 盧昊, 
LU Ming-Te, 盧明德, 
Rong Rong, 榮榮, 
MEI Dean-E, 梅丁衍, 
PENG Hsienhsiang, 彭賢祥, 
SHAO Yinong, 邵逸農, 
SHENG Qi, 盛奇, 
SHIEH Hongjuin, 謝鴻均, 
SHIY Dejinn, 席德進, 
SONG Dong, 宋冬, 
SU Wongshen, 蘇旺伸, 
SUI Jianguo, 隋建國, 
SZETO Keung, 司徒強, 
TANG Tang-Fa, 唐唐發, 
TSAI Hai-Ru, 蔡海如, 
TSAI Shu-Hui, 蔡淑惠, 
TSONG Pu, 莊普, 
WANG Chuan (b. 1953), 王川, 
WANG Du, 王度, 
WANG Jin, 王晉, 
WANG Jinsong, 王勁松, 
WANG Jun-Jieh, 王俊傑, 
WANG Tiande, 王天德, 
WANG Wenchih, 王文志, 
WANG Ya-Hui, 王雅慧, 
Want Space, 得旺公所, 
WEI Qingji, 魏青吉, 
WU Hao, 吳昊, 
WU Ma-Li, 吳瑪悧, 
WU Shanzhuan, 吳山專, 
WU Tien-Chang, 吳天章, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
YAN Lei, 顏磊, 
YANG Fudong, 楊福東, 
YANG Jiechang, 楊詰蒼, 
YANG Mao-Lin, 楊茂林, 
YANG Shih-Chih Emily, 楊世芝, 
YANG Zhenzhong, 楊振中, 
YAO Jui-Chung, 姚瑞中, 
YIN Xiuzhen, 尹秀珍, 
Ben YU, 游本寬, 
YU Chengyao, 余承堯, 
YU Peng, 于彭, 
YUAN Goang-Ming, 袁廣鳴, 
YUAN Jai, 袁旃, 
YUAN Jinta, 袁金塔, 
YUE Minjun, 岳敏君, 
ZHAN Wang, 展望, 
ZHANG Huan, 張洹, 
ZHANG Peili, 張培力, 
ZHANG Xiaogang, 張曉剛, 
ZHANG Yu, 張羽, 
ZHAO Bandi, 趙半狄, 
ZHENG Lianjie, 鄭連杰, 
ZHOU Tiehai, 周鐵海, 
Chinese - Traditional
art criticism,  Taiwan
After Origin: Topic on Contemporary Chinese Art in New Age, 藝種不原始:當代華人藝術跨領域閱讀

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