Shortlists offer thematic selections from AAA Collections, including overviews and annotations by invited contributors. The following shortlist by art critic and curator Kao Chien-hui focuses on the development of Taiwanese contemporary art and its regional characteristics.
By recommending selected readings on Taiwanese contemporary art, this guide aims to illuminate the regional characteristics and developmental theory of Taiwanese art. The bibliography is derived from materials in Asia Art Archive’s collection, and focuses on seven main areas: Chronological Development, Art Criticism, Artist Reviews, Survey Exhibitions, Biennials and Other International Exhibitions, Specialised Subjects and Media, and Selected Periodicals.
The development of Taiwanese art in the twentieth century and beyond can be divided into two general periods. The first period covers the early-twentieth century through the Post-War years, during which the influences of Impressionism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism were clearly predominant. This is considered to be the "developmental period of modern art." The second period begins in the 1980s, just before martial law was lifted, and continues to the present time. During this latter period, art developed under the influence of pluralism and postmodernism: as such, this is considered the "developmental period of contemporary art." This shortlist takes as its basis the views of writers on contemporary art over the last thirty years. It includes material covering the historical and cultural background for the development of regionalism and internationalism in Taiwanese contemporary art of the last thirty years, as well as elaborating on past currents in Taiwan’s contemporary art scene, and providing fresh investigations of topics related to art of the present and of the future.
According to modern history, Taiwan was ceded to Japan upon the signing of the Treaty of Simonoseki, and Taiwanese art and culture became strongly impacted by colonialist policies. Prior to this time, the literati art of China’s Ming and Qing dynasties and ethnic Han popular culture were the wellsprings of culture and the arts in Taiwan. Readers interested in the early modernisation of Taiwanese art can refer to books listed in the first two sub-sections under Chronological Development: "20th Century in General" and "Japanese Occupation Era (1895–1945)." From these books, information can be gained on the historical background of the early-twentieth century as well as the contextual heritage of earlier generations of artists.
Regarding the transition of modernism into postmodernism and the advent of globalisation, the "Chronological Development" section is further divided into two periods: "Post-war and Cold War Eras (1950s–early 1980s)" and "Post Martial Law/Postmodern/New Century Eras (late 1980s–2000s)." These two sub-sections provide insight into Taiwanese contemporary art trends under the influence of Western thought on visual culture, as well as the awakening of regional consciousness. In the wake of their defeat at the hands of the communists in 1949, the nationalist government transferred to Taiwan, followed by a large migration of Mainland Chinese citizens. As a result, Taiwanese culture was once again faced with a conflict between the ideologies of Chinese national culture and Japanese colonialist culture. In the ensuing cold war between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, Taiwanese arts and culture and Chinese arts and culture under Communism developed in divergent directions. As Taiwan experienced the successive stages of colonialism and migration, it was inevitable that its cultural consciousness was influenced by the strictures of the political regime and its cultural policies. In the post-martial law period spanning the 1980s to the 2000s, Taiwanese visual art confronted the political and social transformations of the pre-and-post martial law, postmodern, and globalisation stages. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits has changed significantly, and there is far more cultural dialogue. In recent years, mass consumer culture and community-based cultural movements have become the new contexts for Taiwanese contemporary art.
There is no clear break-off point between "modern art" and "contemporary art," and the demarcations of "modernist," "postmodernist," and "contemporary" still remain quite vague—a circumstance which, over the last half century, has given rise to a number of important cultural debates in Taiwan. In the bibliographic section "Art Criticism," readers can find topical essays on the modernist art movements from 1950 to 1990, as well as texts related to the four key themes that characterised debates of that time period: subjective cultural identity in relation to Chinese traditional guohua ("national painting") and Japanese colonialist toyoga ("East Asian painting"); the traditionalist vs modernist debate that emerged under the influence of Western ideological trends; the dialogue between regional consciousness and postmodern aesthetics that emerged under the intersecting conditions of localism and internationalism; and the developing bifurcation between localism and internationalism under the influence of globalisation. As such, the bibliography’s section on art criticism provides a range of cultural and aesthetic thought representing both challenge and response in the period from the 1950s to 1990s.
In the bibliographic sections "Artist Reviews," "Survey Exhibitions," and "Biennials and Other International Exhibitions," concrete examples of the conceptual thought and artistic practice of Taiwanese artists can be found. Beginning in the 1990s, the Taiwanese art scene entered into a museum-driven era. In the mid-1990s, the Taiwan pavilion at the Venice Biennale curated by the Taipei Museum of Fine Arts brought Taiwanese contemporary art into the arena of international contemporary art. With the support of both Taiwan’s official institutions and independent art galleries, Taiwanese artists and art practitioners have actively participated in international art events, facilitating more of a balance between internationalism and localism in Taiwanese contemporary art. In the twenty-first century there has been a significant increase on many levels in cultural exchange between Taiwan and Mainland China, with a parallel increase in the artistic dialogue between ethnic Chinese living in different environments. At the same time, Japanese pop and manga art have strongly influenced young Taiwanese artists, making Taiwanese contemporary art a player on the young northeast Asian art scene. These materials on cultural exchange illuminate the scope of the dialogue between local and non-local artists. In the bibliographic section "Cross-regional Cultural Dialogue," discussions on the relationship between Taiwanese contemporary art and Western art currents and events can be found, as well as interactions among ethnic Chinese artists.
Because of the cultural development and the openness of the media in the past decades, Taiwanese contemporary art has gradually taken on a regional character. In the section "Specialised Subjects and Media," interested users can find information related to women artists, indigenous art, ink art, performance art, installation art, photography, and video. Those interested in art journalism or in specialist columns, can refer to the "Selected Periodicals" section to gain an understanding of the selective trends in journalistic coverage of the art world. The selected periodicals include Hsiung Shih Art Monthly, a journal that has already ceased publication but was of major importance from the 1970s to the 1990s; Artist, Taiwan’s longest-running contemporary art magazine; ARTCO, which has established a clearer position in the art world in the last ten years; ACT, a journal which represents the academic viewpoint on historical issues as well as contemporary art events; and the English-language monthly Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art.
As regards the publishing industry, Taiwan has three main private publishing houses which specialise in art-related books, including Hsiung Shih Art Books, Artist Publishing, and Art and Collection; and thus most of the books listed here come from these three publishers. During the 2000s, in order to actively establish records of Taiwanese art history, the Taiwan Council for Cultural Affairs has cooperated with these three private companies in publishing a series of major (art-historical) texts, so that everything from early artists and critics to young contemporary artists have now been entered into officially approved historical documentation. Apart from this, the Taipei Museum of Fine Arts has organised a series of retrospective exhibitions on different periods, and preserved photographic documentation of these shows. The urgency with which historical documentation for contemporary art is being undertaken means that, within a short period of time, modern and contemporary art has gained the recognition of the official art history. An examination of these materials will give users further insight into the ongoing developmental direction of Taiwanese contemporary artists.
This shortlist is meant to serve as a starting point for research, and as a means of facilitating further understanding of the development of Taiwanese contemporary art and its regional characteristics. It is drawn from AAA’s collection, with a focus on non-commercial materials. It also references bibliographies and texts used by art universities in Taiwan.
Recommended Readings
20th Century in General
Chu Pei-i, Hsieh Tung-shan, Taiwanese Realist Arts 1895–2005, Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2006 [Traditional Chinese] 朱珮儀、謝東山,《台灣寫實主義美術1895–2005》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2006 [繁體中文] REF.CPI
Li Chin-hsien, Taiwan Art, Hsiung Shih Art books Co. Ltd., Taipei, 2007 [Traditional Chinese] 李欽賢,《台灣美術之旅》,雄獅圖書股份有限公司,台北,2007[繁體中文] REF.LCH9
Liu I-chang, et al., A History of Fine Arts in Taiwan, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2009 [Traditional Chinese] 劉益昌等,《台灣美術史綱》,藝術家出版社,台北,2009[繁體中文] REF.LYC3
Shaih Li-fa, Exploring the Historical Insight of Taiwan Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1997 [Traditional Chinese] 謝里法,《探索台灣美術的歷史視野》,台北市立美術館,台北,1997[繁體中文] REF.TFAM
Wang Hsiu-hsiung, A Discussion of the Historical Development of Taiwan's Art, National Museum of History, Taipei, 1995 [Traditional Chinese] 王秀雄,《台灣美術發展史論》,國立歷史博物館,台北,1995[繁體中文] REF.WHH
Japanese Occupation Era (1895–1945)
Shaih Li-fa, Jihchu shihtai Taiwan meishu yuntung shih (History of Taiwanese Art Movement During Japanese Occupation), Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1992 [Traditional Chinese] 謝里法,《日據時代臺灣美術運動史》,藝術家出版社,台北,1992[繁體中文] REF.HLF
Yan Chuan-ying, Taiwan chintai meishu tashih nienpiao (A Chronology of Important Art Events in Taiwan: 1895–1945), Hsiung Shih Art books Co. Ltd., Taipei, 1998 [Traditional Chinese] 顏娟英,《台灣近代美術大事年表》,雄獅圖書股份有限公司,台北,1998[繁體中文] REF.YCY3
Post-war and Cold War Eras (1950s–early 1980s)
Chen Ying-ying, The Transitional Eighties: Taiwan's Art Breaks New Ground, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《開新:八○年代台灣美術發展》,陳盈瑛撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,2004[繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TRE
Hsiao Chiung-jui, Wuyueh yu tungfang: chungkuo meishu hsientaihua yuntung tsai chanhou Taiwan chih fachan (1945–1970) (The Fifth Moon and Eastern Painting Groups: Development of Chinese Fine Arts Modernism Movement in Post-war Taiwan (1945–1970)), Tungta Publisher, Taipei, 1991 [Traditional Chinese] 蕭瓊瑞,《五月與東方:中國美術現代化運動在戰後台灣之發展(1945–1970)》,東大圖書公司,台北,1991[繁體中文] REF.HCR
Huang Tsai-lang, From the Ground Up: Artist Associations in 1950s Taiwan, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2003 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《長流: 五○年代台灣美術發展》,黃才郎撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,2003[繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.GUA
Lai Ying-ying, Taiwanese Avant-Garde: Complex Art in the 1960s, Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei, 2003 [Traditional Chinese] 賴瑛瑛,《台灣前衛:六○年代複合藝術》,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,台北,2003[繁體中文] REF. LYY2
Liao Tsun-ling, et al., The Experimental Sixties: Avant-Garde Art in Taiwan, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2003 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《前衛:六○年代台灣美術發展》,廖春鈴等撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,2003[繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.ESA
Lin Hsing-yueh, et al., A Retrospection on Taiwan Modern Art Environment from 1945 to 1995, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1995 [Traditional Chinese] 林惺嶽等,《一九四五-一九九五:台灣現代美術生態》,台北市立美術館,台北,1995[繁體中文] REF. TFAM
Yu, Sharleen, Liu Yung-jen, Reflections of the Seventies: Taiwan Explores Its Own Reality, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《反思:七○年代台灣美術發展》,余思穎、劉永仁撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,2004[繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.RES
Post Martial Law/ Postmodern/ New Century Eras (late 1980s– 2000s)
Chang Fang-wei, ed., The Multiform Nineties: Taiwan's Art Branches Out, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2005 [Traditional Chinese & English] 張芳薇編,《立異:九○年代台灣美術發展》,臺北市立美術館,台北,2005 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.MNT
Hsieh Tung-shan, ed., Contemporary Art in Taiwan: 1980–2000, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2002 [Traditional Chinese & English] 謝東山編,《台灣當代藝術:1980–2000》,藝術家出版社,台北,2002 [繁體中文及英文] REF.HTS
Jose, Nicholas, Yang Wen-i, eds., Art Taiwan: The Contemporary Art of Taiwan, G+B Arts International Ltd., Amsterdam, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, 1995 [English] EX.AUS.ATC
Lin Hsiao-yu, Post-adolescence, Howard Chen, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2010 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《後青春》,林曉瑜、陳浚豪撰文,國立台灣美術館,台中,2010 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.POA
Lu Peng, Zhu Zhu, Kao Chien-hui, eds., Reshaping History: Chinart from 2000 to 2009—A Spectacle of the Ordinary, Sichuan Meishu Chubanshe, Chengdu, 2010 [Traditional Chinese & English] 呂澎、朱朱、高千惠編,《改造歷史:2000-2009年的中國新藝術-平凡的奇觀》,四川美術出版社,成都,2010[繁體中文及英文] EX.CHN.RHC
Chiu Lin-ting, et al., Taiwan meishu pinglun chuanchi (Taiwan Art Criticism Series), Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1999 [Traditional Chinese] 邱琳婷等,《臺灣美術評論全集》,藝術家出版社,台北,1999 [繁體中文] REF.NTM
Kuo, Jason, ed., Visual Culture in Taiwan, 1975–1995, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1995 [Traditional Chinese] 郭繼生編,《台灣視覺文化:藝術家二十年文集》,藝術家出版社,台北,1995 [繁體中文] REF.KCH2
Lai Hsiang-ling, ed., Art Criticism Documents Taiwan: 1990–1996—DEOA Art Criticism Award, 1997, Dimension Endowment of Art, Taipei, 1997 [Traditional Chinese] 賴香伶編,《台灣藝評檔案1990–1996-第二屆藝術評論獎》,帝門藝術教育基金會,台北,1997 [繁體中文] REF.DEA2
Lai Hsiang-ling, ed., Art Criticism in Taiwan, 1997–1998, Dimension Endowment of Art, Taipei, 1999 [Traditional Chinese] 賴香伶編,《台灣藝評研究 1997-1998》,帝門藝術教育基金會,台北,1999 [繁體中文] REF.DEA2
Lai Hsiang-ling, ed., DEOA Art Criticism Award, 1995, Dimension Endowment of Art, Taipei, 1996 [Traditional Chinese] 賴香伶編,《第一屆藝術評論獎》,帝門藝術教育基金會,台北,1996 [繁體中文] REF.DEA2
Wang Teh-yu David, Dialogue between Modernism and Cultural Heritage in Taiwanese Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese] 王德育,《台灣藝術現代風格與文化傳承的對話》,台北市立美術館,台北,2004 [繁體中文] REF.WDY
Discourse on Historical Circumstances
Li Chun-hsien, Southern Viewpoints on Taiwan Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1996 [Traditional Chinese] 李俊賢,《台灣美術的南方觀點》,台北市立美術館,台北,1996 [繁體中文] REF.LCH3
Liao Hsien-tien, Taiwan meishu ssulun: manhuang/wenming?tzujan/wenhua? jentung/chai? chuntsui/ huntsa (Four Theses of Taiwanese Art: Barbarianism/ Civilisation? Nature/ Culture? Recognition/ Difference? Pureness/ Hybridity), Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2008 [Traditional Chinese] 廖新田,《臺灣美術四論:蠻荒/文明 ‧ 自然/文化 ‧ 認同/差異 ‧ 純粹/混雜》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2008 [繁體中文] REF.LHT
Liao Hsin-tien, Ishu te changli: Taiwan meishu yu wenhua chengchihhsueh (Tension in Art: Art and Cultural Politics in Taiwan), Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2010 [Traditional Chinese] 廖新田,《藝術的張力:臺灣美術與文化政治學》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2010 [繁體中文] REF.LHT
Lin Hsing-yueh, To Tide over a Chopping Environment of Art in Taiwan, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1997 [Traditional Chinese] 林惺嶽,《渡越驚濤駭浪的台灣美術》,藝術家出版社,台北,1997 [繁體中文] REF.LHY
Ni Tsai-chin, A Cultural Perspective on Taiwan Art, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2007 [Traditional Chinese] 倪再沁,《台灣美術的人文觀察》,藝術家出版社,台北,2007 [繁體中文] REF.NTC3
Cross-regional Cultural Dialogue
Kao Chien-hui, After Origin: Topic on Contemporary Chinese Art in New Age, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese] 高千惠,《藝種不原始﹕當代華人藝術跨領域閱讀》,藝術家出版社,台北,2004[繁體中文] REF.KCH
Kao Chien-hui, Between the Boundaries: A Journey to Contemporary Art, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2001 [Traditional Chinese] 高千惠,《在藝術界河上:當代藝術思路之旅》,藝術家出版社,台北,2001[繁體中文] REF.KCH
Kao Chien-hui, Fine Art—Unrefined: The Visual Culture in 90’s, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1998 [Traditional Chinese] 高千惠,《當代文化藝術澀相》,藝術家出版社,台北,1998 [繁體中文] REF.KCH
Chen Hsiang-chun, Translating Dialogue: Journeys between Art and Social Contexts, Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese] 陳香君,《藝術檔案/社會閱讀:藝術與社會的深層對話》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2004 [繁體中文] REF.CHC2
Chen Shu-ling, ed., Artist Navigators: Selected Writings on Contemporary Taiwanese Artists, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2007 [Traditional Chinese & English] 陳淑鈴編,《旗艦巡航-台灣當代藝術選粹》,台北市立美術館,台北,2007 [繁體中文及英文] REF.TFAM
Cheung, Alan, Taiwan chungshengtai ishuchia (Mesozoic Artists in Taiwan), Crown Publishing Co., Taipei, 2001 [Traditional Chinese] 張心龍,《台灣中生代藝術家》,皇冠文化出版有限公司,台北,2001 [繁體中文] REF.CXL
Cheng Hui-mei, Wanchenti: 13 wei Taiwan ishuchia te chuangtso yu shengming (Real Play: Creation and Lives of 13 Taiwanese Artists), Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2007 [Traditional Chinese] 鄭惠美,《玩真的:13位台灣藝術家的創作與生命》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2007 [繁體中文] REF.CHM11
Hsu Yun-kang, In the Name of Art, Goodness Publishing House, Taipei, 2009 [Traditional Chinese] 徐蘊康,《以藝術之名-從現代到當代探索台灣視覺藝術》,博雅書屋,台北,2009 [繁體中文] REF.HYK2
Li Hsien-wen, Taiwan meishu chung te wushih tso shanyueh (Fifty Mountains in Taiwanese Art) , Hsiung Shih Art books Co. Ltd., Taipei, 2005 [Traditional Chinese] 李賢文編,《台灣美術中的五十座山岳》,雄獅圖書股份有限公司,台北,2005 [繁體中文] REF.LYW5
Li Wei-ching, Portraits of Young Artists, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2002 [Traditional Chinese] 李維菁,《程式不當藝世代18》,藝術家出版社,台北,2002 [繁體中文] REF.LWJ
Lu Yi-an, Wang Hsiang-he, Look! Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, Taipei, 2006 [Traditional Chinese] 盧怡安、王相和,《看,誰在搞藝術:第三屆台新藝術獎創作者群像》,台新銀行文化藝術基金會,台北,2006 [繁體中文] REF.LYA
Chang Fang-wei, ed., Contemporary Taiwanese Art in the Era of Contention, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese & English] 張芳薇編,《正言世代:台灣當代視覺文化》,台北市立美術館,台北,2004 [繁體中文及英文] EX.USA.CTA
Hsiao Chiung-jui, et al., 1996 Taipei Biennial: The Quest For Identity, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1996 [Traditional Chinese] 《1996台北雙年展:台灣藝術主體性》,蕭瓊瑞等撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,1996 [繁體中文] EX.TAI.TPB
Hsiao Chiung-jui, Reflection and Reconsideration: 2–28 Commemorative Exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1998 [Traditional Chinese] 《凝視與形塑:後二二八世代的歷史觀察》, 蕭瓊瑞撰文, 台北市立美術館,台北,1998 [繁體中文] EX.TAI.RRT
Lu, Victoria, et al., Visions of Pluralism: Contemporary Art in Taiwan, 1988–1999, Mountain Art Culture and Education Foundation, Kaohsiung, 1999 [Traditional Chinese &English] 《複數元的視野:台灣當代美術1988–1999》,陸蓉之等撰文,山藝術文教基金會,高雄,1999 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.VOP
Wang Chia-chi Jason, Variations of Geometric Abstraction in Taiwan's Contemporary Art, The Eslite Corporation, Taipei, 2010 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《台灣當代幾何抽象藝術的變奏》,王嘉驥撰文,誠品股份有限公司,台北,2010 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.VGA
Chang Fang-wei, et al., eds., 1998 Taipei Biennial: Site of Desire, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 1998 [Traditional Chinese & English] 張芳薇等編,《1998台北雙年展:欲望場域》,台北市立美術館,台北,1998 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TPB
Chang Fang-wei, Liao Tsun-ling, eds., Taipei Biennial 2010 (English Guidebook), Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2010 [English] EX.TAI.TPB.2010
Chen, Celine, ed., Taiwan Pavilion at the Venice Biennale: A Retrospective 1995–2007, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2010 [Traditional Chinese & English] 陳淑鈴編,《威尼斯雙年展:台灣館回顧1995–2007》,台北市立美術館,台北,2010 [繁體中文及英文] REF.TFAM
Cheung, Amy, et al., eds., The Heard & the Unheard: Soundscape Taiwan, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2011 [English] EX.ITA.BVE.2011
Hsu, Manray, Sharleen Yu, eds., 2008 Taipei Biennial (Guide Book) , Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2008 [Traditional Chinese] 徐文瑞、余思穎編,《2008 台北雙年展(導覽)》,台北市立美術館,台北,2008 [繁體中文] EX.TAI.TPB.2008
Sans, Jérôme, et al., 2000 Taipei Biennial: The Sky is the Limit, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2000 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《台北雙年展:無法無天》,傑宏尚斯等撰文,台北市立美術館,台北,2000 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TPB
Tsai Chao-yi, ed., 2007 Asian Art Biennial—Have You Eaten Yet? , National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2007 [Traditional Chinese & English] 蔡昭儀編,《2007亞洲藝術雙年展:食飽未?》 , 國立台灣美術館,台中,2007 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.AAB.2007
Tsai Chao-yi, ed., 2009 Asian Art Biennial: Viewpoints & Viewing Points, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2009 [Traditional Chinese & English] 蔡昭儀編,《2009亞洲藝術雙年展:觀點與「觀」點 》, 國立台灣美術館,台中,2009 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.AAB.2009
Tseng Mei-chen, ed., The Great Journey: In Pursuit of the Ancestral Realm, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, 2010 [Traditional Chinese & English] 曾媚珍編,《蒲伏靈境:山海子民的追尋之路》,高雄市立美術館,高雄,2010 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.GJP
Vanderlinden, Barbara, Cheng Huei-hua Amy, eds., 2004 Taipei Biennial: Do You Believe in Reality?, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese & English] 范黛琳、鄭慧華編,《2004台北雙年展:在乎現實嗎?》 ,台北市立美術館,台北,2004 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TPB
Wang Chia-chi Jason, Home: Taiwan Biennial 2008, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2008 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《家:2008台灣美術雙年展》,王嘉驥撰文,國立台灣美術館,台中,2008 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TAB.2008
Yu, Sharleen, ed., 2002 Taipei Biennial: Great Theatre of the World, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2002 [Traditional Chinese & English] 余思穎編,《2002台北雙年展:世界劇場》,台北市立美術館,台北,2002 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TPB
Yu, Sharleen, Freya Chou, eds., 2006 Taipei Biennial: Dirty Yoga, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2006 [Traditional Chinese & English] 余思穎、周安曼編,《2006 台北雙年展:[限制級]瑜珈》,台北市立美術館,台北,2006 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.TPB.2006
Women Artists
Chang Cheng-lin Nicholas, FU New Generation—Female Artists in Taiwan, Daxiang Art Space, Taichung, 2008 [Traditional Chinese] 《感覺‧新世代女性創作者》,張正霖撰文,大象藝術空間館,台中,2008 [繁體中文] EX.TAI.FNG
Lai Ming-zhu, Liuchuan te fuhao nuhsing: chanchien Taiwan nuhsing tuhsiang ishu (The Drifting Female Symbol: Woman Image in Pre-war Taiwanese Art), Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2009 [Traditional Chinese] 賴明珠,《流轉的符號女性:戰前台灣女性圖像藝術》,藝術家出版社,台北,2009 [繁體中文] REF.LMZ
Lu, Victoria, History of (Contemporary) Taiwan Women Artists, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2002 [Traditional Chinese] 陸蓉之,《台灣(當代)女性藝術史1945–2002》,藝術家出版社,台北,2002 [繁體中文] REF.LUV
Shih Shu-ping, ed., Duel Regard: The Views from Taiwanese Women's Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2009 [Traditional Chinese & English] 施淑萍編,《雙凝:台灣女性藝術的鏡觀視角》,國立台灣美術館,台中,2009 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.DRV
Indigenous Art
Lu Meifen, Before Dawn: The Development of Contemporary Indigenous Art in Taiwan, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 2007 [Traditional Chinese] 盧梅芬,《天還未亮:台灣當代原住民藝術發展》,藝術家出版社,台北,2007 [繁體中文] REF.LMF2
Ink Art
Chen Shu-ling, ed., The Origins of Toyoga in Taiwan, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2000 [Traditional Chinese] 陳淑鈴編,《台灣東洋畫探源》,台北市立美術館,台北,2000 [繁體中文] EX.TAI.OTT
Li Ssu-hsien, A Theoretical System for Chinese Contemporary Calligraphic Art in Taiwan, Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 2010 [Traditional Chinese] 李思賢,《當代書藝理論體系:台灣現代書法跨領域評析》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,2010 [繁體中文] REF.LSH7
Liu Yung-jen, ed., Open Flexibility: Innovative Contemporary Ink Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2009 [Traditional Chinese & English] 劉永仁編,《開顯與時變:創新水墨藝術展》,臺北市立美術館,台北,2009 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.OFI
Shih Jui-jen, ed., X Beyond O: Calligraphy-Sign-Space, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, 2009 [Traditional Chinese & English] 石瑞仁編,《無中生有—書法 | 符號 | 空間》,台北當代藝術館,台北,2009 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.XBO
Performance Art
Yao Jui-chung, Performance Art in Taiwan 1978–2004, Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. Ltd., Taipei, 2005 [Traditional Chinese] 姚瑞中,《台灣行為藝術檔案1978–2004》,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,台北,2005 [繁體中文] REF.YJC2
Installation Art
Yao Jui-chung, Installation Art in Taiwan since 1991–2001, Ecus Publishing House, Taipei, 2004 [Traditional Chinese] 姚瑞中,《臺灣裝置藝術》,木馬文化事業有限公司,台北,2004 [繁體中文] REF.YJC2
Photography and Video
Hu Chao-sheng Sean, Chen Yung-hsien, Dwelling Place: Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition 2008, Chew's Culture Foundation, Taipei, 2008 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《居無定所?:台灣國際錄像藝術展2008》,胡朝聖、陳永賢撰文,財團法人邱再興文教基金會,台北,2008 [繁體中文及英文] EX.TAI.DPT
Shih Shu-ping, Beyond 20 Degree Celsius: Exhibition of ‘Room-temperature Luminescence’ from Taiwanese Contemporary Imaging Art, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, 2009 [Traditional Chinese & English] 《非20度C:台灣當代藝術的「常溫」影像》,施淑萍撰文,國立台灣美術館,台中,2009 [繁體中文及英文] EX.CHN.BTD
ACT, Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, 2010–present [Traditional Chinese] 《藝術觀點》,國立臺南藝術大學,台南,2010年至今 [繁體中文] PER.ATO
Artist Magazine, Artist Publishing Co., Taipei, 1975–present [Traditional Chinese] 《藝術家》,藝術家出版社,台北,1975年至今 [繁體中文] PER.ART
Artco, Art & Collection Group Publishing Ltd., Taipei, 1992–present [Traditional Chinese] 《今藝術》,典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司,台北,1992年至今 [繁體中文] PER.ARD
Hsiung Shih Art Monthly, Taipei, 1972–1996 [Traditional Chinese] 《雄獅美術》,雄獅美術月刊社,台北,1972–1996 [繁體中文] PER.HSA
Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Art & Collection Group, Taipei, 2002–present [English] PER.YIS
Kao Chien-hui is a Chicago-based critic and independent curator.