Artist duo Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries (YHCHI) conducted a residency in March 2011. During their time at Asia Art Archive, the collective produced two works, entitled HOLLYWOOD and IT’S A PLEASURE TO BE HERE: WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAY: COLLECTORS CIRCLE TALK AT WILLIAM LIM’S STUDIO and presented these to the public. These works take as their points of departure the excavation of the structure of the Archive in the context of the contemporary art community in the region.
Wishing to offer direct access to the content produced during their residency, the internet-based artists, circumvented the mediation of archival documentation; upon the completion of their residency at the Archive, YHCHI uploaded all of the work created and presented during the month of March onto AAA's website making it openly accessible to all.
About Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries
Among the first artists to employ the Internet as an artistic platform in the late 1990s, Young-hae Chang Heavy Industries consists of Marc Voge from the United States and Young-hae Chang from Korea. Their work, which can be viewed at, is presented in 17 languages, and is characterised by text-based animation synchronised to a musical score, often originally composed jazz. Rather than emphasising sophisticated uses of new technologies, YHCHI presents works that are directly engaging and effective, characterised by references to film and concrete poetry and by the scale and rapid pace at which the text appears.