AAA welcomes art critic Lee Weng Choy to our International Artist Residency Programme.
During his residency, Lee will lead a series of workshops with Hong Kong–based writers, in conjunction with Prompts & Annotations (2024), his contribution to AAA’s current exhibition, Countering Time.
In Prompts & Annotations, each participating artist provides a prompt to Lee Weng Choy, who responds with numbered annotations. The prompts include a two-word statement, an artwork about squatting in Hong Kong, a Keanu Reeves talk show interview, and a family saying. The Prompts & Annotations were printed as posters and exhibited throughout the library in proximity to the artworks, connecting the ideas and actors in this project. Also published as a booklet, the work captures the collaborative working model of the exhibition, which included six months of group discussions. Prompts & Annotations builds on Lee’s long-term interest in writing about friendship as a marker of time, scale, and perspective—“how one fits into one’s world,” be it a community, a city, a recent event, a distant past, or a galaxy.

Lee Weng Choy is an art critic based in Kuala Lumpur. His essays have appeared in journals such as Afterall and anthologies such as Modern and Contemporary Southeast Asian Art (2012), Theory in Contemporary Art since 1985 (2012), and The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Art in Global Asia (2022). From 2000 to 2009, he was Artistic Co-director of The Substation in Singapore. Lee has taught at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Sotheby’s Institute of Art (Singapore). He has worked with various arts organisations, including in-tangible institute, Ilham Gallery, A+ Works of Art, NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, and National Gallery Singapore.
AAA’s International Artist Residency Programme 2024–25 is generously supported by Eunei & Ron Lee.
Banner image: Publication of Lee Weng Choy’s Prompts & Annotations, 2024, 10 x 19 cm. Installation view, Countering Time, CCG Library, Asia Art Archive, 2024. Photo: South Ho.