Asia Art Archive (AAA) and the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art (PMC) are delighted to announce the grantee of the second research award under the collaborative London, Asia project.
London, Asia Research Award Grantee 2018
Ming Tiampo is a Professor of Art History, Co-director of the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis, and Director of the Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art and Culture at Carleton University, Ottawa. Her research focuses on transnational, transcultural networks and artistic production in the postwar period, with a theoretical commitment to rethinking discourses of global modernism.
Tiampo will be conducting research on how the UCL Slade School of Fine Art, which has welcomed students from all over the world since its inception in 1871, functioned as a crucible of encounter and a site for articulating "Global Asias." Tiampo’s research will determine which students shared classrooms, as well as investigating the lectures they attended and their pedagogical implications. One case study revolves around the Asian and Asian diasporic artists who attended E. H. Gombrich’s lectures—such as Anwar Jalal Shemza and K. G. Subramanyan—and the other stories of art uncovered through greater research into their intellectual lives. Oral history interviews and archival research will be conducted to create a larger picture of the role UCL Slade played in their artistic careers, with particular attention to the ways peer groups created discursive cultures in that environment.
Tiampo will be presenting her research findings in London and Hong Kong in 2019.
The London, Asia Research Award
London, Asia posits London as a key, yet under-explored, site in the construction of art historical narratives in and of Asia, and examines the city’s influence through exhibitions, patronage, art writing, and art education. London, Asia also reflects on how the growing field of modern and contemporary art history in Asia intersects with, and challenges, existing histories of British art.
The 2018 edition of the London, Asia Research Award, which focuses on researching the multilayered and multitemporal histories of art schools, is key to shaping a more nuanced understanding of the cultural entanglements between London and Asia across the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Art schools are nodes within complex webs of cultural connections. Through the designing of syllabi and teaching practices, the bringing together of students and teaching staff, as well as informal activities outside class time, art schools are also sites where relationships with traditions and colonial histories are contested, pushed, and reinvented. In thinking about the role art schools have played, we can cut across different time periods and bring together a range of people, objects, materials, and approaches.
Information on the next open call for London, Asia Research Grant will be released in early 2019.