This publication by Gao Minglu provides a critical re-evaluation of the No Name Group and its significance and role within the context of Chinese contemporary art. Gao wrote, 'In the history of Chinese contemporary art, the "No Name" group was the first at-large art collective, emerging even earlier than the more widely known Stars group. The "No Name" group forged a path quite at variance with the mainstream revolutionary ideology of the Cultural Revolution period, steadfastly maintaining the imporatance of "art for art's sake". And for many years thereafter they quietly painted, rarely participating in public exhibitions. The "Pure Art" philosophy of the "No Name" group doesn't tally with the dominant artistic thinking of the twentieth century, with its heavy emphasis on social relevance. To this day, the "No Name" group remains largely unknown. Its history members, works, and discursive formations await study.'
Chronology of the No Name Group and biographies of its members are included in this book.
Chinese - Simplified
artist monograph
無名畫會: 拒絕媚俗的悲劇前衛 (In English and Chinese) - GAO Minglu, 高名潞
無名畫會的早期活動: 高名潞和趙文量, 楊雨樹的訪談
無名畫會與星星畫會: 高名潞和趙文量的訪談
三十年后看'無名': 無名畫會成员座談會記要
對1979年無名畫展的回憶 - ZHAO Wenliang, 趙文量
對1979年無名畫展及研討會的回憶和紀錄 - TAO Yongbai, 陶詠白
無名年代'選摘' - MA Kelu, 馬可魯
我對無名畫會的回憶 - ZHENG Ziyan, 鄭子燕
因勢利導, 繁榮群眾美術活動 - LIU Xun, 劉迅
無名畫展印象記 - GAO Ertai, 高爾泰
美在斯: 談幾位青年無名畫家的創作 - LIU Haisu, 劉海粟
現代派藝術的開拓者: 無名畫會 - MA Jian, 馬健
優美的弦 - ZHU Jinshi, 朱金石
The No Name: A History of a Self-Exiled Avant-Garde, 「無名」:一個悲劇前衛的歷史

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