Interview with Ellen Pau by Leung Chiwo Warren

Artist and Videotage Founder Ellen Pau joined the music club and the film club when she studied at the Hong Kong Polytechnic (00:00–13:11). In the interview, she talks about her attempt at a super 8mm film project (13:11–22:13). Subsequently, she worked at the Phoenix Cine Club, where she learned the cinematic language. At the same time, she found out that she was not most interested in film, so she continued making experimental videos (22:13–35:00). In the middle of the interview, Pau recounts meeting Hiram To and learning about an installation art group called 'Assemblage' at a workshop that took place at the Fringe Club, so she started doing installation art (35:05–43:50). Later on, she elaborates how she derived satisfaction from her personal art practice and self-taught video editing, but she also remarks that at times collaborating on tasks with a team was often needed, and that was the reason why she founded Videotage (43:50–54:06). She goes on to explain how she sees her video art and what she expects from it, and recounts her first video installation and performance artwork (54:06–1:17:00). The themes of Pau’s works include the situation of women, language of consciousness, power, and personal identity, etc. (1:17:00–1:24:30). At the end of the interview, she talks further about her video installation artworks and their conceptualisation, and how she used visual signs allegorically to reference some social phenomena.


藝術家及錄映太奇創辦人鮑藹倫就讀香港理工學院期間,曾參與音樂社和電影社等學會 (00:00-13:11)。訪談中她談及當年嘗試拍攝超八錄像的計劃 (13:11-22:13)。及後進入火鳥電影會工作,讓她學習到電影語言方面的知識,但同時覺得電影並非自己最感興趣之事,因而繼續進行拍攝錄像的實驗 (22:13-35:00)。訪問中段,鮑氏敘述在藝穗會參與工作坊中認識杜子卿及一個名為「Assemblage」的裝置藝術組織,由此進行裝置創作 (35:05-43:50)。其後她提到如何在個人創作和自學剪接技巧中獲得滿足感,但亦坦承有時候需要與更多人分工製作,因而創立錄映太奇 (43:50-54:06)。她繼而解釋她對錄像創作的認知及期望,又憶述她第一個錄像裝置和行為藝術作品 (54:06-1:17:00)。鮑氏的創作主題包括女性處境、意識語言、權力制度和個人身份等 (1:17:00-1:24:30)。在訪問的末段,鮑氏談及她的錄像裝置作品及構思,當中利用影像符號來暗喻一些社會現象。

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Interview with Ellen Pau, 15 September 1998 (Part 1), 訪問鮑藹倫,一九九八年九月十五日(第一部份)