Title type




Venue Unknown, Mexico




Ghost Stories
Ghosts Stories (Set of 26 Photographs)
26 圖片

Ghosts Stories (Set of 26 Photographs)

Historia de Fantasmas

Ghost Stories
Ghosts Stories (Set of 7 Photographs)
2 圖片

Ghosts Stories (Set of 7 Photographs)

Historia de Fantasmas

Journey of a Yellow Man No. 9: Trees Resurrection (Raw)
1 視聽資料

Journey of a Yellow Man No. 9: Trees Resurrection (Raw)


Journey of a Yellow Man No. 9: Trees Resurrection (Edited)
1 視聽資料

Journey of a Yellow Man No. 9: Trees Resurrection (Edited)


Ghosts Stories
1 視聽資料

Ghosts Stories

Historia de Fantasmas

Ghost Stories (Set of 34 Photographs)
Ghosts Stories (Set of 34 Photographs)
34 圖片

Ghosts Stories (Set of 34 Photographs)

Historia de Fantasmas

Ghosts Stories — Artist Statement
1 文件

Ghosts Stories — Artist Statement

LEE Wen, 李文

1.2.3 Performance — Flyer
1 文件

1.2.3 Performance — Flyer

International Sculpture Symposium Mexico-Japan: Exhibitions of Finished Works — Leaflet
1 文件

International Sculpture Symposium Mexico-Japan: Exhibitions of Finished Works — Leaflet

Simpsio Internacional de Escultura Mexico Japon: Exposiciones Trabajos Terminados — Leaflet

Tickets to the Frida Kahlo Museum
2 文件

Tickets to the Frida Kahlo Museum

Tickets to the National Institute of Anthropology and History, and the archaeological zones of Teotihuacan and Uxmal
4 文件

Tickets to the National Institute of Anthropology and History, and the archaeological zones of Teotihuacan and Uxmal

Computer Technology Institute — Flyer
1 文件

Computer Technology Institute — Flyer

Instituto Tecnologico De Computacion — Flyer

Tickets to Cinemas Lumiere at Plaza la Rosa
2 文件

Tickets to Cinemas Lumiere at Plaza la Rosa

Receipt from Paint Shop in Chiapa de Corzo
1 文件

Receipt from Paint Shop in Chiapa de Corzo

On site only
Activities of the International Symposium of Sculpture Mexico-Japan
1 文件

Activities of the International Symposium of Sculpture Mexico-Japan

Actividades del Simposio Internacional de Escultura México-Japón