Venue |
Date |
Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong | 香港中華文化促進中心 |
1994年1月5日至15日 |
Anita Pouchu FUNG, 馮寶珠, 
Betty K.F. SIU, 蕭小雅, 
Chiiam UN, 袁之欽, 
Fernanda DIAS, 蘭晴, 
Joana LING, 
KWOK Kimming, 郭劍明, 
LEE Ching Man, 李靜雯, 
LIU Siujane, 廖少珍, 
MAN Fung Yi, 文鳳儀, 
NG Sioieng Cindy, 吳少英, 
SO Man Yee, 蘇敏儀, 
Other participating artists include Anabela Canas.
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Personal Reference Art Works by Hong Kong & Macau Women Artists 94
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No. 002 Art Works by Hong Kong & Macau Women Artists 5 January 1994
1 圖片
No. 003 Chiang Chao-shen Paintings and Calligraphy 6 January 1994
1 圖片
No. 152 The 25th Anniversary Exhibition of One Art Group
1 圖片
No. 004 Chiang Chao-shen Paintings and Calligraphy 6 January 1994
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No. 005 Chiang Chao-shen Paintings and Calligraphy 6 January 1994
1 圖片
No. 006 Chiang Chao-shen Paintings and Calligraphy 6 January 1994
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No. 007 Chiang Chao-shen Paintings and Calligraphy 6 January 1994
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