
On site only
Retrospects and Prospects: A Review on Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition
1 文件

Retrospects and Prospects: A Review on Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition

SHI Xuanqing, 施選青

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Artistic New Wave at Sea Horizon: New Tendencies of Shanghai Painting — Manuscript
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Artistic New Wave at Sea Horizon: New Tendencies of Shanghai Painting — Manuscript

海平線的藝術新潮——上海繪畫的新趨勢 — 手稿
Hua Jian, 花建

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Painting Exhibition and Academic Conference Held in Shanghai — Manuscript
1 文件

Painting Exhibition and Academic Conference Held in Shanghai — Manuscript

上海舉辦繪畫聯展及理論研討會 — 手稿
SHI Xuanqing, 施選青, TAO Yongbai, 陶詠白

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For the Remote Sea Horizon — Manuscript
1 文件

For the Remote Sea Horizon — Manuscript

為了遙遠的海平線 — 手稿

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Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition and Its Academic Conference — Manuscript
1 文件

Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition and Its Academic Conference — Manuscript

海平線86繪畫聯展及其學術研討會 — 手稿
HUANG Ke, 黃可

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Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Tao Yongbai, 4 June 1986
1 文件

Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Tao Yongbai, 4 June 1986


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Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Zhang Zuying, 21 June 1986
1 文件

Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Zhang Zuying, 21 June 1986


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Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Zhang Qiang, 21 May 1986
1 文件

Letter from the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Artists Association to Zhang Qiang, 21 May 1986


Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition — Complimentary Ticket
1 文件

Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition — Complimentary Ticket

海平線’86繪畫聯展 — 贈券

Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition — Invitation
1 文件

Sea Horizon '86 Painting Exhibition — Invitation

海平線’86繪畫聯展 — 請柬

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City and Painting
1 文件

City and Painting

WU Liang, 吳亮

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Art As Culture: Thoughts on Questions of Art
1 文件

Art As Culture: Thoughts on Questions of Art

WANG Bangxiong, 王邦雄

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The Contemporaneity of Art and Its Aesthetic Characteristics
1 文件

The Contemporaneity of Art and Its Aesthetic Characteristics

MAO Shian, 毛時安

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The Function of Art and the Development of Modern Urban Life
1 文件

The Function of Art and the Development of Modern Urban Life

ZHU Xuchu, 朱旭初

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Modern Consciousness and Paintings of Shanghai Style
1 文件

Modern Consciousness and Paintings of Shanghai Style

Hua Jian, 花建

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"Shanghai Style" Art and Modernization
1 文件

"Shanghai Style" Art and Modernization

DAI Hengyang, 戴恒揚

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Thinking About Paintings of Shanghai Style From the Debates on "Tradition"
1 文件

Thinking About Paintings of Shanghai Style From the Debates on "Tradition"

CHEN Juyuan, 陳巨源