Title type

1 文件
Invitation to 'Zweiten Ilseder Performanceabend', 15 February 2005

35 圖片
Performance by Lee Wen with Black Market International (Set of 35 Photographs)

1 文件
12 July 2005: Performance by Black Market International in Ilsede
12. Juli 2005: Performance mit Black Market International in Ilsede

1 文件
"Many Unusual Images" — Black Market International: 12 Performance Artists from 9 Countries in the Geblasehalle Today / "We Don't Do Theatre"
"Viele ungewöhnlich Bilder" — Black Market International: 12 Performance-Künstler aus 9 Ländern heute in der Gebläsehalle / "Wir spielen kein Theater"

1 文件
Invited Artists for Black Market International 2005 (Project in the Blower Hall)
Eingeladene Künstler für Black Market International 2005 (Projekt in der Gebläsehalle)

1 文件
Black Market International: Performance Encounter - 12 Artists from 9 Countries — Poster
Black Market International: Performancebegegnung - 12 Künstler aus 9 Ländern

1 文件
Black Market International: Performance Encounter - 12 Artists from 9 Countries — Invitation
Black Market International: Performance Begegnung - 12 Künstlern aus 9 Ländern