Venue |
Date |
Children's Palace, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China | 上海黃埔區少年宮 |
1979年2月1日至28日 |
CHEN Juhong, 陳巨洪, 
CHEN Junde, 陳鈞德, 
CHEN Juyuan, 陳巨源, 
GUO Runlin, 郭潤林, 
HAN Baiyou, 韓柏友, 
HUANG Azhong, 黃阿忠, 
Jianer WANG, 王健爾, 
KONG Baiji, 孔柏基, 
LUO Buzhen, 羅步臻, 
QIAN Peisen, 錢培森, 
SHEN Tianwan, 沈天萬, 
'Twelve Men Painting Exhibition' was the inherently political prelude to independently organised, artist-initiated exhibitions and activities after the Cultural Revolution. It also marked the return to individualism in 80s China. The exhibition was curated by its twelve 'non-professional' artists. Showcasing fifteen paintings each, most of the works were watercolour paintings. Having no official or authoritative affiliation, the organising of the exhibtition posed many difficulties which the artists had to solve by themselves, such as finding an exhibition space, funding and publicity.