Slide Presentation of Cloth Sculptures at Concave-Convex Exhibition, <街頭布雕>作品于《凹凸展》現場幻燈片放映

Cloth Sculptures was carried out by artists Ding Yi, Qin Yifeng and Zhang Guoliang at various locations in Shanghai, previous to Concave-Convex Exhibition. Slides of photographic documentation of their work were projected at the Concave-Convex Exhibition.
jie tou bu diao zuo pin yu ao tu zhan xian chang huan deng pian fang ying
DING Yi, 丁乙,  QIN Yifeng, 秦一峰,  ZHANG Guoliang, 張國梁
event photograph/recording
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Slide Presentation of Cloth Sculptures at Concave-Convex Exhibition, <街頭布雕>作品于《凹凸展》現場幻燈片放映
