
A work by Jia Bu at ‘DIAL ‘62761232’.

“我攢了七八百張廢棄的名片,都是在過去的多年間和別人換來的。每隔幾個月當我整理名片盒的時候,都會發現許多陌生人的名片,我完全不記得是在什麼場合、和誰一起、為了什麼原因會和這個人換名片。還有一些人,我想這一輩子也不可能再和他或她有任何的聯系了,這張名片也就如同廢紙一張。在社交場合,你甚至可以不帶錢包,但不能不帶名片,它是機會主義者的敲門磚。同時它是,也僅僅是是一種禮儀,大家只是要完成交換名片這麼一個過程,至於對方是誰,有什麼重要呢? ”


Dial 62761232 was the name of an express delivery company that worked with a group of Shanghai-based artists to bring the exhibition to the homes of audience members. The delivery company assigned 15 couriers to the task, who were trained at the BizArt Center. Each courier was given a suicase with a number of works by the artists. Each of the 15 suitcases contained the same works, and each participating artist was identified by name. When a courier delivered the exhibition via suitcase, the viewer would have to choose number in order to see the works.

Title type


Alternative title

Huan zhang ming pian ba?

Access level


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Content type

artwork documentation

Rights statement

In Copyright

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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.

Would You Like to Exchange a Name Card?, 換張名片吧?