HVD 56942
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1 圖片

Cave Dwellings Series No.1

28 May 1999
HVD 56938
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1 圖片

Cave Dwellings Series No.2

17 Jun 1999
HVD 56940
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1 圖片

Cave Dwellings Series No.3

10 Nov 1999
HVD 56944
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1 圖片

Cave Dwellings Series No.4

10 Nov 1999
HVD 56936
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1 圖片

Cave Dwellings Series No.5

15 Nov 1999
On site only
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1 文件

Letter from Xu Changchang to Hans van Dijk, 23 December 1999

23 Dec 1999
On site only
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1 文件

Escape from the Entangled Cultural Status Quo — An Analysis of Xu Changchang's Conceptual Performance Art in the Context of Contemporary Art

從糾纏的文化現狀中逃離 — 試析當代藝術背景中許昌昌之觀念行爲藝術