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Huang Yong Ping: Reappearance of the Red Cross — Invitation

Huang Yong Ping: Réapparition de la Croix-Rouge — Invitation
28 Jun 1991
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Should We Construct Another Cathedral? — Leaflet

Müssen wir noch eine Kathedrale bauen? — Leaflet
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Coalition — Invitation

聯合 — 邀請函
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Coalition — Leaflet

聯合 — 單張
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Exceptional Passage: Chinese Avant-Garde Artists Exhibition — Leaftlet

非常口:中國前衛美術家展 — 單張
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Installation Sketches with Notes

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Rendez-vous — Leaftlet

Rendez-vous — 單張
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The Significance is Totally Empty — 'Dada' and 'Chan' 1

Bedeutendes, das völlig leer ist — "Dada" und "Chan" 1