Austria Presents Hundertwasser to the Continents — Exhibition Poster
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Austria Presents Hundertwasser to the Continents — Exhibition Poster

亨德華撒世界巡迴展 — 展覽海報
Chinese Snuff Bottles — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Chinese Snuff Bottles — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

中國鼻煙壺 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1977 — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1977 — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

一九七七年當代香港藝術 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1977 — Exhibition Poster
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Contemporary Hong Kong Art 1977 — Exhibition Poster

一九七七年當代香港藝術 — 展覽海報
Fan Paintings by Late Ch'ing Shanghai Masters — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Fan Paintings by Late Ch'ing Shanghai Masters — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

清末上海名家扇面 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Fan Paintings by Late Ch'ing Shanghai Masters — Exhibition Poster
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Fan Paintings by Late Ch'ing Shanghai Masters — Exhibition Poster

清末上海名家扇面 — 展覽海報
Hong Kong Contemporary Art Exhibition 1977
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Hong Kong Contemporary Art Exhibition 1977

Circa 1977
Hong Kong Museum of Art Newsletter (September and October 1977)
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Hong Kong Museum of Art Newsletter (September and October 1977)

香港藝術館每月通訊 (一九七七年九月及十月)
Kwangtung Paintings — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Kwangtung Paintings — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

廣東名畫 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and Ching Dynasties — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and Ching Dynasties — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

明清一色釉瓷 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and Ching Dynasties  — Exhibition Poster
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Monochrome Ceramics of Ming and Ching Dynasties  — Exhibition Poster

明清一色釉瓷 — 展覽海報
Shek-wan Pottery — Exhibition Poster
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Shek-wan Pottery — Exhibition Poster

石灣陶藝 — 展覽海報
The Second Festival of Asian Arts — Invitation
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The Second Festival of Asian Arts — Invitation

第二屆亞洲藝術節 — 邀請函
Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)
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Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints — Exhibition Catalogue (Excerpt)

浮世繪木刻版畫 — 展覽圖錄(節錄)
Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints — Exhibition Poster
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Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints — Exhibition Poster

浮世繪木刻版畫 — 展覽海報