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China/Avant-Garde Exhibition Opened in Beijing During the Spring Festival

11 Feb 1989
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Away from Noises — About Liu Ziming

拒絕喧囂 - 關於劉自鳴先生
29 Jan 1994
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1993 · The Beginning of An International Dialogue — Contemporary Chinese Art Participates in Venice Biennale for the First Time

一九九三 · 與國際對話的開端 - 中國當代藝術首次參加《威尼斯雙年展》
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The Important is Not the Art

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Look this Man, Mao Xuhui

16 Dec 2000
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Creating the 'Private Space' of Art — Interview with Mao Xuhui

創造藝術的「私人空間」 — 與畫家毛旭輝對話
22 Sep 2001
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The Quadratic of Art — Interview of Painter Mao Xuhui

藝術的二次方 — 畫家毛旭輝訪談錄
15 Jun 2002
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Continues the Love for Landscape: Conference Regarding 'Plein Air Painting' Held in Kunming

7 Oct 2003
Altitude Sickness — Group Exhibition of Young Artists in Yunnan
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Altitude Sickness — Group Exhibition of Young Artists in Yunnan

高原反應 - 雲南青年藝術家聯展
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The Entanglement and Transcendence between 'The Life Taster' and 'Insignificant Daily Objects'

13 Sep 2007
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News Reportage Regarding Chinese Contemporary Art — Identity and Transformation

Kinesisk höst i Konsthallen
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Picasso? Zhang Xiaogang!

30 Mar 2008
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Contemporary Art in Yunnan

9 Aug 2008
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People Who Made The Glorious Success in 30 Years

15 Oct 2008
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An Artist has Left us — Artists Comment on Zhang Jianzhong

一個藝術家走了 - 部份藝術家談張建中
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Behind the Artworks......

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Brief Introduction of Mao Xuhui

Impressions from a Study on Young Artist Groups
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Impressions from a Study on Young Artist Groups

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Making This Place More Interesting — Artist Mao Xuhui Comments on Creating 'Out-of-Plan Culture Ecology'

把這裡變得好玩一些 - 藝術家毛旭輝談 「計劃外文化生態」 的創建
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Selected Oil Paintings from Guishan Sentiments
