Set of images digitised from 35mm colour slides.
This artwork's English title appears as "Painting-Poison" (127 cm x 204 cm) in the 1994 Galerie Pierre catalog for Chang Cheng-Jen's solo exhibition. The National Taiwan Museum's collection records list it as "Painterly Poison" (116.5 cm x 194 cm). This record follows the information from Galerie Pierre in 1994.
本件英文名稱於1994年臻品藝術中心的張正仁個展畫冊中記載為Painting-Poison,尺寸為127公分x204公分;其於國立臺灣美術館典藏紀錄的英文名稱則為Painterly Poison,尺寸為116.5公分x194公分。
Mixed media
127cm x 204cm
artwork documentation
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Painting-Poison, 畫毒
