Please note the first and the second editions as well as the first English edition are available in the library under the same location code.
'Lu Peng, China's foremost modern art historian, incisively analyzes developments in Chinese art from the late Qing Dynasty through to the opening years of the 21st century in this new revised edition of A History of Art in 20th-Century China, published for the first time simultaneously in French and English editions. The art that emerged over the course of a troubled century and more of Chinese history reveals a complex evolution with intrinsic connections to contemporary life. Lu Peng ably charts that evolution, not only in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, but also in important centers such as Paris and Tokyo. This comprehensive narrative will remain for many years the reference to which those seeking knowledge of this history will inevitably turn.' - from the book cover.
A History of Art in Twentieth-Century China
art history,  China
1. The Influence of Western Civilization and the Adjustment of Traditional Thinking
2. The Shanghai School and Its Painters
3. The Fine Arts Revolution
4. The Origins and Intellectual Background of Chinese-Style Painting
5. National Painting and New National Painting
6. Modern Fine Arts Education
7. Realism and Artists
8. Modernist Art, Intellectual Trends, and Encounters
9. Left-Wing Fine Arts
10. The Art of Yan'an and Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art
11. Art in Kuomintang-Ruled Areas
12. Art in the Period of Social Recovery and Construction
13. The Transformation of Chinese-Style Painting and Guohua Painters
14. The Influence of the Soviet Union
15. The Art of the Cultural Revolution Period
16. The Continuing Advance of Modernism
17. The Beginnings of the Art of the New Period
18. The '85 Ideological Trend
19. New Literati Painting and Experimental Ink and Wash
20. Contemporary Art and Artists
21. The Emergence of Problems in the Market and Political System
22. Conceptual Art
23. New Painting
A History of Art in 20th-Century China

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