This exhibition was the first large-scale group show of Taiwanese contemporary art, held outside Taiwan. Organised by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney and Taipei Fine Art Museum, the exhibition travelled to several art museums in Australia. This catalogue aims to give an overview of Taiwanese art, and includes essays by both Taiwanese and Australian scholars and art critics, with themes ranging from art historical essays to reports on the contemporary art scene in Taiwan. Biographies of participating artists are included in the catalogue.
printmaking,  oil painting,  acrylic painting,  mixed media,  installation,  ink painting,  drawing,  Taiwan,  group exhibition
Taiwan Treasure Island: An Introduction - Nicholas JOSE
Transition and Re-Creation in Contemporary Taiwan Art - YANG Weni, 羊文漪
A Brief History of Art in Taiwan to 1945 - WANG Hsiuhsiung Frank, 王秀雄
Art in Taiwan 1945-1995 - LIN Hsin-Yueh, 林惺嶽
Local Consciousness and Cultural Identity - HUANG Hai-Ming, 黃海鳴
Notes on Taiwan's Cultural Development - MA Sen
Taiwan: China's Other - Geremie R. BARME, 白杰明
New Art; New Tribes - Victoria LU, 陸蓉之
Real Fictions - Deborah HART
Touch; Texture and Concept: Three Women Artists from Taiwan - John CLARK, 姜苦樂
Painting in Taiwan Today - Joan STANLEY-BAKER
Art in Southern Taiwan - HSIAO Chongray, 蕭瓊瑞
Art Taiwan: The Contemporary Art of Taiwan, 臺灣當代藝術

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