'The VIII Yogyakarta Biennale 2005 is titled "Kesadaran akan Kedisinian dan Kekinian/Consciousness of the Here and Now". Works of art chosen were displayed and installed in places or buildings considered as objects of cultural heritage, such as: Kraton Yogyakarta, Tamansari, Benteng Vredeburg, Gedung Societet Militer, Pura Pakualaman, Tarumartani, Jogja Study Centre, Kotagede, Kandhang Menjangan, Kawasan Sagan, Kawasan Bintaran.
The selection of works were set against the context of the environment, re-formed through a process of reviving the air specific to the environment where they are displayed. It is hoped that this can result in new and imaginative metaphors, so that the spectators can re-live it again, or be present inside, the moments that were passed with full awareness, so they can also see the cultural issues in Yogyakarta (Source: Kuratorial Biennale Jogja VIII 2005)' from the IVAA online archive.

Note: The catalogue is also available in digital format on CD-ROM.
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Biennale Jogja VIII 2005: Here & Now | Biennale Yogyakarta

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Biennale Jogja VIII 2005: Di Sini & Kini