This catalogue was published on the occasion of Bita Fayyazi's exhibition 'There Goes the Neighbourhood', in collaboration with Rokni Haerizadeh, at B21 Gallery, Dubai from 17 March to 5 April 2009 featuring Fayyazi's fiberglass sculptures.

'What Fayyazi has termed "There Goes The Neighbourhood" is a collection of disparate figures, at once typical, sincere and ironic. She captures the off diversity of life that proliferates on the streets of her native Tehran and infuses each character with the particular details that reveal the true self. Through and beneath the disguise of every figure, Fayyazi tackles the fundamental issues of society, popular culture and religion.

In a country as socially restrictive as Iran, where people's lives are ruled by an endless barrage of "bans", the importance of demonstrating self assertion, in one's life and to the world outside , is paramount. "There Goes The Neighbourhood" assembles the different experiences and attitudes of various people from the hustle and bustle of the Tehran streets into her vibrant characters, and thus into the gallery space.' - from Isabelle van den Eynde's essay.

With artist biography.
Alternative title

In collaboration with Rokni Haerizadeh

Access level


Location code


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Bita Fayyazi: There Goes the Neighbourhood - Isabelle VAN DEN EYNDE

Bita Fayyazi: There Goes the Neighbourhood
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Bita Fayyazi: There Goes the Neighbourhood