This updated and expanded edition presents nineteen new essays by the field's leading scholars and practitioners as well as new critical introductions by editors Janelle G. Reinelt and Joseph R. Roach. Reflecting recent trends in performance studies, this revised edition now includes discussions of critical race theory, postcolonial studies, gender and sexualities, and mediatised cultures.' - from publisher's website
Includes biographies of contributors.
Theater: Theory/Text/Performance
Revised and Enlarged Edition
Performance Analysis
Semiotics and its Heritage - Marvin CARLSON
The Phenomenological Attitude - Bert O. STATES
Alceste in Hollywood: A Semiotic Reading of The Misanthrope - Jim CARMODY
Every Transaction Conjures a New Boundary - Josette FERAL
Postcolonial Studies
Performing History's Unsettlement - Joanne TOMPKINS
What is to be Remembered? Tourism to Ghana's Slave Castle-Dungeons - Sandra L. RICHARDS
For Whom is the King a King? Issues of Intercultural Production, Perception, and Reception in a Kathakali King Lear - Phillip B. ZARRILLI
Critical Race Theory
Black/face Publics: The Social Bodies of Fraternidad - Jill LANE
Virtual Chinatown and New Racial Formation: Performance of Cantonese Opera in the Bay Area - Daphne LEI
Reality ✓ - Harry J. ELAM JR.
Theatre History and Historiography
Theatre Events and their Political Contexts: A Problem in the Writing of Theatre History - Thomas POSTLEWAIT
Representing History: Performing the Columbian Exposition - Rosemarie K. BANK
Kinesthetic Empathies and the Politics of Compassion - Susan Leigh FOSTER
After Marx
Shadows of Brecht - David SAVRAN
Historicising the Relations of Theatrical Production - Bruce MCCONACHIE
Brecht and the Contradictory Actor - John ROUSE
Gender and Sexualities
Mrs. Siddons Looks Back in Anger: Feminist Historiography for Eighteenth-Century British Theatre - Ellen DONKIN
Practicing Cultural Disruptions: Gay and Lesbian Representation and Sexuality - Jill DOLAN
Fe/male Impersonation: The Discourse of Camp - Kate DAVY
Not-About-AIDS - David ROMAN
The Violence of 'We': Politicising Identification - Elin DIAMOND
Staging Sexual Injury: How I Learned to Drive - Ann PELLEGRINI
Immobile Legs, Stalled Words: Psychoanalysis and Moving Deaths - Peggy PHELAN
Performance Studies
Invasions Friendly and Unfriendly: The Dramaturgy of Direct Theatre - Richard SCHECHNER
Performance Theory, Hmong Shamans, and Cultural Politics - Dwight CONQUERGOOD
Animal Rites: Performing beyond the Human - Una CHAUDHURI
Mediatised Cultures
Live from Cyberspace, or, I was Sitting at my Computer this Guy Appeared He Thought I was a Bot - Philip AUSLANDER
Virtually Yours: Presence, Liveness, Lessness - Herbert BLAU
Dracula's Daughter: In-Corporating Avatars in Cyberspace - Sue-Ellen CASE
Critical Theory and Performance

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