'This edited international collection of nine essays and twelve contemporary artists' work considers the complexities of the contemporary hybrid life experiences shared by so many of us in the twenty-first century. It explores the themes of diaspora, identity and the sense of belonging, considering what a beautiful life is like in a world in which domestic or international relocation is constant and how we experience memory, nostalgia and changing lives in the twenty-first century. In detail, it explores a range of themes such as the promise of cosmopolitanism, the dystopian and evanescent quality of Chinese art, a series of Documenta exhibitions, native nationalism and authenticity in Asian art, and working with an arts-based participatory methodology to conduct ethnographic, biographical forms of research.' - Ming Turner, excerpt from the Introduction

Includes bibliographical references, artists' statements and biographies, and contributors' biographies.

這本集結9篇國際學者與12位國際藝術家之專書,探討21世紀中,許多人所歷經關於當代生命交雜之複雜性。本書探索的議題包含離散美學、認同、歸屬感,及同時討論在當今移居(不論國內或國際)是個頻繁的社會現象之際,我們如何審視21世紀之記憶、鄉愁,與多變的生命感。 本書討論的一系列主題包括世界主義(cosmopolitanism)之承諾、當代中國藝術裡的無助感與短暫特質、德國文件大展、亞洲藝術裡的國族主義與純粹性、以藝術為本質且以參與方式來探討民族學、自傳形式之藝術研究。(摘自序)

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Chapter headings

Introduction—Crossing Borders: Transition and Nostalgia in Contemporary Art | 序—跨界: 當代藝術中的游轉與鄉愁 - Ming TURNER, 陳明惠

The Promise of Cosmopolitanism: Art Ethics and Imagination in a Global World - A Positional Parlay | 世界主義的承諾: 全球世界的藝術、倫理和想像(一個位置的討論) - Marsha MESKIMMON

Subterranean Blues Nostalgia and Regret in Contemporary Art | 地下的抑鬱鄉愁與當代藝術中的懊悔 - Patricia EICHENBAUM KARETZKY

Dancing across the Border to the Sounds of Distant Music | 隨著遠方的樂聲舞越國境 - Raimi GBADAMOSI

Curating in the Age of Global Migration | 在全球移民的時代裡策展 - Christine TAKENGNY

Whose Memory and Nostalgia? Contemporary Asian Art in the Era of Postnationalism | 誰的記憶與鄉愁? 後民族主義年代之當代亞洲藝術 - Yifang CHEN, 陳誼芳

Investigating the Unknown: Crossing Borders in Contemporary Art | 觀察未知: 當代藝術裡的越界 - Deborah SCHULTZ

Transit Lives: Portraying the Temporary | 過境生活:描繪臨時性 - Outi REMES

Body and Image-Space: Walking, Transition and Belonging | 身體與圖像空間: 散步、過渡與歸屬感 - Maggie O'NEILL

Community Engaged Arts, Participatory Arts and the Art of Collaboration | 社區藝術、參與藝術及協作藝術 - Kevin RYAN

Crossing Borders: Transition and Nostalgia in Contemporary Art
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Crossing Borders: Transition and Nostalgia in Contemporary Art, 跨界: 當代藝術中的游轉與鄉愁