In a contemporary art world increasingly becoming just another obedient sector of the capitalist "entertainment" industry, it is encouraging to see that a critical spirit is still analysing the past, present and possible future role of curators and art exhibitions, whether as experimental laboratory, as social analysis, as temporary site, as studio, as political resistance or as pedagogic tool. From the curator as museum employee to the curator as collaborator, as facilitator, as militant activist or as "artist-in-chief", a collection of texts which will certainly mark out the range of problems needing to be answered.

This publication collects a range of essays and interview transcripts by and of international curators explicating their views of the subject of curating.

Includes contributors' biographies. 

Please note that the Archive holds the original English edition of the publication. 

Alternative title

Ce zhan hua ti

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Simplified

Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type


translated text

Chapter headings

序言 - 安妮弗萊徹訪談保羅尼奧爾

中間人:調停初論 - Søren ANDREASEN, Lars Bang LARSEN

來自八十年代的三幀快照:關於'小組資料' - Julie AULT

不穩定的機構 - Carlos BASUALDO

不合邏輯的刺刀:關於策展、獨立性和合作的通訊 - Dave BEECH, Mark HUTCHINSON

創造展覽:關於六十年代末展覽美學的幾則筆記 - Irene CALDERONI

包豪斯 加爾各答 - Anshuman DASGUPTA, Grant WATSON

探索還是教育? - Clementine DELISS

未來:實驗室和明天的測驗 - Eva DIAZ

策展錯位或企鵝們都到哪兒去了? - Claire DOHERTY

超越經典的策展 - 保羅尼奧爾訪談奧奎恩維佐

為了一個功能性的烏托邦?回顧一個立場 - Liam GILLICK

策展的某種趨向 - Jens HOFFMANN

必須讀的(兩年一次) - Robert NICKAS

對遺忘的抗議 - 漢斯烏爾里希奧布萊斯特訪談讓里爾寧

解讀的政治 - Sarah PIERCE

構成性作用-談策展技巧 - Simon SHEIKH

巨大的幻象:'新'現代藝術博物館 - Mary Anne STANISZEWSKI

製造新事物 - Andrew WILSON

策展時刻和話語轉向 - Mick WILSON

後記:無共識的共識-有關策展的後知後覺 - Nikita Yingqian CAI, 蔡影茜

Curating Subjects
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Curating Subjects, 策展話題