Published in conjunction with Foshan Ceramic Exposition 2002 China and China Foshan International Ceramics Conference 2002.
Alternative title

guo ji jian zhu tao ci she ji ji yun yong yan tao hui lun wen ji | Foshan Ceramic Exposition 2002 China & China Foshan International Ceramics Conference 2002

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Chinese - Simplified, 


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conference proceedings, 


Chapter headings

Ceramic Tile - Art and Architecture/ 瓷磚-藝術與建築 - Ole LISLERUD

Ceramics - Transcending Fine Art with the Fascination of Compositeness and Ambiguity/ 陶藝-以組合與模糊的魅力超越美術 - Kinpei NAKAMURA, 中村錦平

The Use of Architectural Ceramics in Contemporary Public Art Projects - Opportunities and Challenges/ 機遇與挑戰-建築陶瓷在當代公共藝術設計方案中的應用 - Nancy SELVAGE

Techniques Are Improved with Technologies, Qualities with the Time - On Research of Overall Evaluation System of Contemporary Creamic Art and Design of Architecture in the Background of Globalisation/ ’藝與道俱進,品隨歲更新’-全球化背景下當代建築陶藝藝術與設計綜合評價指標體系的研究 - XI Jin, 习晋, LIU Qihong, 劉啟泓

Art View on Laying and Decoration of Hard Building Materials/ 硬質建材鋪裝的藝術觀 - WANG Weimin, 王煒民

Innovativeness: Essence of Modern Ceramic Design/ 創新是當代陶藝設計的根本 - WANG Jianzhong, 王建中

The Investigation of Heat-Avoiding Technologies in Ceramic Tiles and Processes Involved in Making Them Feel Soft (Outline)/ 瓷磚地面軟性化和外牆瓷磚貼面的絕熱性技術研究(提綱) - AN Zhifeng, 安志峰

Discussion of Coloured Glaze and Building Decoration/ 淺談琉璃與建築裝飾 - WU Weiguang, 吳衛光

Ceramics as Literature/ 陶藝在空間運用中的文藝化 - CHEN Yaoguang, 陳耀光

Contemporary Ceramics in American Public Art and Architecture/ 美國當代陶瓷公共藝術和建築 - Harvey SADOW

Clay and Space - A Possible Binomial/ 陶土和空間-一道可行的二項式 - Sandro LORENZINI

Ceramics Industry in the 21st Century - Move from Production Orientation towards Lifestyle Marketing/ 21世紀的陶瓷產業-從以生產為中心轉向以生活為中心的銷售模式 - Tapio YLI-VIIKARI

From Earth Thou Cometh - To Art Be Thou Burnt/ 你來自大地-你為藝術而燃燒 - Bjorn NOERGAARD

The Design of Architectural Ceramics and Indoor Space/ 建築陶瓷色彩設計與室內空間 - WEN Shaoan, 溫少安

Design and Use of World Building Ceramics (Conference Proceedings)
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Design and Use of World Building Ceramics (Conference Proceedings), 國際建築陶瓷設計及運用研討會論文集