This is a collection of writings by Kao Chienhui from 1991 to 1994, focusing on various phenomenon of the contemporary art scenes both inside and outsideTaiwan. The 33 articles are divided into different categories by content, which include localisation movement in Taiwan, the comparison between mainstream and non-mainstream art, the relationship between art criticism and image, and retrospection of classical artwork through the lens of contemporary art.
"本書作者高千惠是藝評界的新銳,曾獲帝門基金會第一屆藝評獎,她把三年來陸續發表的有關探討現代藝術種種現象的文章,精選結集,讓我們得窺九⃝年代藝術的面貌與生態。 本書共二十餘萬言,分為五大部分,分別檢視台灣本土化運動;當代藝術的主流性及非主流性之對照;當代藝術的特殊性,藝評與圖象間的現實關係,及用當代藝術觀念,重新閱讀藝術史上名作,並且藉相對性作品而作跳越時空的對辯。" (節錄自書背)
dang dai wen hua yi shu se xiang
Chinese - Traditional
art criticism,  Taiwan
Fine Art Unrefined: The Visual Culture in 90's, 當代文化藝術澀相

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