'The present collection was motivated by a number of events, but can largely be taken as the outcome of several years of discussion by members of the Hong Kong section of the International Association of Art Critics... While this collection contains but a handful of texts, it is significant that all of the writers have been engaged with the development of art in Hong Kong over a long period, in some cases for upwards of thirty years. As such, it is perhaps not surprising that several of the texts are reflective and retrospective, serving to see the present circumstances of Hong Kong as the consequence of processes that have occupied the past half century. Certainly, the most significant of these has been the winding down of the colonial administration and the new dynamics of being a separate system - and perhaps a separate identity or culture - within China.' - extracted from foreword by Eric Wear.
Chinese - Traditional,
Making Art in the Shadow of the Future: Hong Kong Artists and the 1997 Transfer of Sovereignty - David CLARKE, 祈大衛
The Unique Vision of Luis Chan - Hilary BINKS
Inventing History - HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基
Hong Kong: The Development of Modern Art - Nigel CAMERON, 金馬倫
The Intracable Problems in Hong Kong Contemporary Visual Arts - TSANG Tak Ping Kith, 曾德平
No Place is Home: Outmanoeuvring Cultural/Racial Identity in Hong Kong - Eric Otto WEAR, 華立強
The Inverted Laboratory of Ho Siu-kee - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Hong Kong Art Review, 香港藝術概覽

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